
May 18th, 2011

Attention all 7th graders interested in either the Washington DC trip or the New York city trip for music students: There is a $50 discount on the enrollment price if you sign up by the end of May. Please see Mr. Fox to get the enrollment materials.

If you have any art work you would like to take home (from either class or a KT), please come to the art room to pick it up!  Thank you.

Next year's WEB leaders, all t-shirt order forms and money are due to Mr. Cohen by Friday

John Lennon asked us to "GIVE peace a chance." Twisted Sister said, "We're not gonna TAKE it." Parliament told us to "GIVE up the funk." Abba said to "TAKE a chance on me." What these musicians didn't have, however, is this year's yearbook! If we've TAKEN your money for a yearbook, we will GIVE it to you during your lunch today. You can also TAKE a colorful Sharpie to sign yearbooks with, if you GIVE us a dollar. If you did not pre-purchase a book, you will need to wait until after school today to see if there are any left to buy. If so, they will be available in Mr. Cohen's room (311) and the cost will be $35.00 cash.

8th Graders – please remind your parents to arrive early tomorrow to allow time to park – overflow parking for Continuation is available at Church of Christ, Chapel Hill & Salvation Army Church ALSO – there is no reserved parking or seats for Continuation

Students – please take home the MAPS testing results and letter that you receive in LA today to your parents. 8th graders will get them during Continuation practice.

Remember – even if it is our last week of school –  the dress code still applies!  Please remember bike, scooter & skateboard rules as well.

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