
Monday 11-11-24 ODD Day

 Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

It is Veteran’s Day and we would like to thank Scott Braun, Christin Hayes and Melissa O’Brien for their service.

Attention all NJHS members, our next mandatory meeting is TODAY after school in Ms. Seavall's room, we will see you there.

Attention student council! We hope you enjoyed your snow day AND 3-day weekend! We have rescheduled our meeting from last week to THIS Wednesday after school in the library. We have a lot to review and less time to plan, so please be sure you attend! See Mrs. Sutton or Mrs. Jenkins if you have questions.

6th grade wrestlers, meet in the small gym today after school today for our festival at Powell. 

7th and 8th grade wrestlers, our tournament is tomorrow at Goddard. Let's get ready to wrestle.

No Name Club will be this Wednesday afternoon until 4:30!  Join us as we make art, play games, eat snacks, and hang out with friends! See Mrs. Winschuh in 1531 with any questions!

It's time to announce the winners for the guessing jars and book raffle: 

Ava Ingraham has won the erasers, Jackson Strohmeyer has won the Warheads, and the giant jar of Jolly Ranchers goes to Tracen Gibson. 

Our raffle winners are: 

Riley Moore, Will Kelly, Olivia Atkins, and Phoebe Purchase. Please see Ms. Sands in the library to collect your prizes. Congratulations to our winners!

All students and staff: tomorrow we will have a Pink Out Day for Mrs. Andrews to show our support. Please remember to wear pink to school tomorrow!



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Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...