
 5/17/24 Even Day Schedule

Daily Announcements

Friday, May 17, 2024

Even Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.” 

A reminder to all student council members: we have our last stuco meeting next week after school on Tuesday, May 21st in room 1511. See Mrs. Sutton or Mrs. Jenkins with questions. 

Remember students spirit week is next week! All days and events can be found in the grade level Google Classroom. Monday is Sports Theme day so you can cheer on the teachers or 8th graders at the dodgeball game during Homeroom.  

Then, Tuesday you don't need to do much for your outfit because it is PJ day!

Remember to check the lost and found in the cafeteria for any items you may be missing.  All items will be donated on Tuesday.

All library books are due today.  Please gather any library books you have checked out and return them to the library by the end of the day.  Thank you!



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Friday 9-20-24 EVEN Day

  Daily Announcements Friday, September 20, 2024      EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United...