
Thursday, January 12, 2023 ODD Day Schedule

                                                        Daily Announcements

Thursday, January 12, 2023

ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

There will be a NJHS meeting after school TODAY in Ms. Omdahl's room. December service hours will be due at this time. Please wear your t-shirts.  Thank you in advance for your service to our school and 


Just a reminder that the next student council meeting is Tuesday 17th at 8am in the library. See Mrs. Jenkins with questions. 

Students are you looking for something fun to do with all your friends? Need some activity that isn't in this cold weather? Student council is inviting you to the Newton Skate City night on Tuesday, January 17th from 6pm-8pm. Family, friends, students and staff are invited to this Newton only skate party! Come hang out, listen to some music, skate and meet other knights!!

Attention 8th Graders- Fill out the Most Likely to Survey on the 8th Grade Google Classroom to vote for the 8th Grade Awards to be put in the Yearbook.


Attention all Students- If you received a flyer during homeroom yesterday, did you get your parents to go online and buy a yearbook?  Make sure you get your yearbook so you are a part of the book that everyone is a main character in.  Electronic flyers are also posted in each Grade Level Google Classroom.  See Mr. Atherton or Mrs. Mater with questions.

7th and 8th graders: Just a reminder, you need to enter through the athletic entrance in the mornings!

Students, please check your knight time schedule for today and tomorrow in your grade level google classroom. Some changes have been made to locations and the Friday schedule has been finalized.



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