
Wednesday, February 9,2022 ODD Day LATE START Schedule

 The 8th grade boys B and C teams defeated Options on Monday night!

Congratulations to all three of the 7th grade boys basketball teams on their sweep Euclid last night.

The A team won a very entertaining game 33 to 30. Every player contributed to the win as did the enthusiastic and loud crowd that cheered us to victory.

The B team made it look easy with a 27 to 10 win, led by Hank's 11 points.

The C team completed the sweep with a 22 to 10 win, with some outstanding efforts from David, Garrett and Levi.

Well done 7th grade boys!

8th Grade Lady Knights are you ready to bump,set, spike?  Volleyball season is fast approaching.  There will be a brief interest  meeting after school on February 14 in room 0529.  Make sure you have a ride home. 

There will be a NJHS meeting this Friday at lunch in Ms. Omdahl's room.  Please make sure to pack your lunch.  If you have any questions or conflicts see Ms. Omdahl. Thank you for all you do for our school and community.  You are wonderful!

"Attention all 6th graders! Want to play basketball? Our interest meeting is on Monday, February 14 after school in the gym from 4-4:30! If you have any questions, stop by Ms. Newman's room this week!" 

6th  & 7th Graders,

Interested in joining Knight Notes and singing with your friends next year? Check out your google classroom for information or see Ms. Newman. 

Students, a friendly reminder that we are not eating outside at all anymore.  This means you will need to eat in the cafeteria.  This includes chips, cookies, etc….  That means you may need to eat a bit faster. Everyone still needs to go outside for the last five minutes of recess!


Students that plan to stay after school for sporting events at Newton.  A reminder that no food is allowed in the gym and students need to stay in the gym and stay seated.  Running in and out of the gym will result in you being asked to leave or have a parent pick you up.


The Knight statue winners this week are Mrs. Adolph, Mrs Rice, Mrs. Cruz, Mr. Marshall, and Mrs. Kyle. Thank you for modeling the CODE.

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