
Wednesday, October 27,2021 LATE START ODD Day Schedule

 Reminder for NJHS students - your October service hours are due on Monday, November 1st.  Thank you for your kindness and service to our community.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Omdahl.

Last night's match at Goddard was a spectacular event. Our 7th and 8th graders came ready to wrestle and they did not disappoint!  Newton had so many pins it felt like we were at a bowling tournament. Special shout outs go to Dillon D who fought through injury, Gavin P who had an intensity that his opponents were not expecting and lastly Charlotte J who went into triple overtime during her first ever wrestling match.

Great job everyone!!

The gym was electric as the Lady Knights took on Powell last night in the first home game of the year.  Kenzie C and Caroline M led the scoring during the first game.  During the second game, the scoring drive was led by Annika S who sank the first basket of the game and was followed by Vivian S's next two points.  Come cheer on the Knights at their  next home game on Thursday, November 4.

8th Graders:

HHS Freshman Showcase is Nov 2nd from 6-8pm

AHS Freshman Showcase is Nov 3rd @ 6pm

LHS Lion Pride Preview is Nov 11th @ 6:30pm

Contact the High Schools if you have any questions.

6th & 7th Grade Students - If you are Open Enrolled from OUT OF DISTRICT, your parents need to complete an “Intent to Renew” form for next year.



School Name: Isaac Newton Middle School

Picture Day Date: Monday, September 27



Retake day NOVEMBER 9th in the AM

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Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...