
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021 ODD Day Schedule

 7th graders -  

The amount of trash that was left outside yesterday was alarming.  It’s a simple process to be able to eat outside.  All you have to do is throw your trash away.  If we can't do that, we will not be able to eat outside moving forward.  


Also, you are not allowed to push or pull the students on the swings.  You may not jump off the swings.  Lastly, you can not twist back and forth as you go up and down.  If these actions continue, we will no longer allow you to use the swings.  We have had two major injuries on the swings in three days.

8th graders -

This message is for 8th graders who are eligible for National Junior Honor Society.  ALL applications are due by September 3rd - no exceptions. Please make sure to check the 8th grade Google Classroom for information.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Omdahl.  

Carstensen’s home room is the declared winner of the kickball tournament!

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