
February 11,2020 -- EVEN Day Schedule


Students going to AHS next year and wanting to take Honors Classes
or take the Swim Waiver test need to stop by the office and pick up
a packet. It is very important that you and your parents are watching
ALL upcoming dates for incoming Freshman. A lot of the deadlines are
in February!  If you are unsure of information you need - contact AHS.

TODAY from 4:00 pm-5:00 pm 
We will have our first sign language club meeting and will meet every Tuesday. 
It will be in room 1123. Anybody can join. 
We will start by learning the alphabet, numbers, and decide subjects for
future meetings. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Rodrigue or
current members of the Sign Language Club

6th Grade Basketball starts on Tuesday February 18.  All 6th
grade Boys and Girls that are interested should attend. 
We start at 7:45am and it goes until 8:45am. Students should
come dressed in athletic attire.

Join us after school TODAY in the art room for fingerboard/Lego club. 
Hang out, do some kick flips, ollies, and build with legos!! Please see
Ms. Andrews if you have any questions.   

This is a reminder for NJHS students who are volunteering for Someren Glen. 
We will meet this evening in the lobby at 6:25 and be finished by 7:30. We will
start and stop on time.  Please make sure you've secured a ride. Thank you
for service. 

Congratulations to the following District Spelling Bee Champion
and runners-up who won at the District Spelling Bee on Feb. 5th
at Powell Middle School.  Words such as "ichthyology", "echinacea",
"irascible", "audacious", and "rapacious" led to an exciting final sixth
round of the Bee. The winning words, however, were "ganglion" and
"transmogrify".   All of these students will be going on to compete at
the State Spelling Bee on March 6th at the University of Denver.
      District Spelling Bee Champions - Merjen M from Wilder
Elementary School
        Runners-Up  Madeleine L - Littleton Academy
                           Carter S - Newton Middle School
                           Owen C - Centennial Academy
                           Truman W - Newton Middle School

Thank you to all of the students and parents for
their support, the GT Facilitators/Spelling Bee coaches
for helping with this activity, and Darcy Johnson, Patti Turner,
and Alison Pukurdpol for serving as judges.  Thank you also
to Steve Wolf, Principal at Powell Middle, and his staff for their
assistance with making this event a success. A tremendous thank
you goes to Dr. Amy Oaks, Principal at Littleton High School,
for once again serving as the Pronouncer for the Bee.
Best wishes to these students as they go on to represent LPS
at the State Spelling Bee on March 6th.

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Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...