
April 23, 2019 - EVEN Day Schedule


Due to cancelled school, Student Council was also cancelled.
The Student Council meeting is re-scheduled for TOMORROW,
from 4-5 in Mrs. Bond's room. This is the last official meeting
of the year, we're looking forward to seeing you!!  

If you have been meaning to turn in your Knight Notes
application but haven't gotten around to it, it's time to
DO it!  Auditions are this week Wednesday and Thursday
by appointment, so don't miss it!

Listen up 6th and 7th graders:  If you want to help write and
design Newton’s yearbook next year, make sure you complete
your application packet by next Tuesday, April 30th. You can ask
any questions and pick up a packet from Mr. Atherton, Mrs. Svigel
or the main office. This will be a Knight Time class, NOT an elective.
We are looking for students who are organized, have strong writing
skills, and who are willing to take photos at Newton events.

Attention G/T students: Please take a moment to fill out the end
of year survey on the G/T Google Classroom. Mr. Wood is requesting
that your reflections be done by this Friday, April 26. It will only take
you a few minutes! Thank you.  


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Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...