
March 19, 2019 Even Day Schedule


Good morning NMS Knights!

With the awesome snow days, Make-A-Wish
spirit week hasn't had as many days to collect
money.  We will extend the money collection through
Thursday morning, so bring your generous donations
to your SECOND PERIOD EVEN CLASS.  Student Council
will collect buckets on Thursday and announce the winning
class on Friday morning, and they will receive a donut party!

Thanks for your help in supporting these children and their
wish that helps them hope to move forward!

7th and 8th Grade Basketball players... you need to turn in
your basketball uniforms ASAP to the main office.

Any 7th grader with a GPA of 3.5 or higher is eligible to join
the National Junior Honor Society, or NJHS!  NJHS is a
community service based organization that focuses on values
such as scholarship, service, leadership, character, and
citizenship. In NJHS, you can help your community and
have fun doing it. Fill out the application by this Friday in
your 7th grade Google Classroom!

Attention students in Jazz Band. This afternoon, go to
your Knight Time class. Then when you hear the
announcement come straight down to the gym to
be included in your group photo. It will take just a
few minutes, then you will head right back to Knight Time.

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