
May 7, 2018 - ODD Day Schedule


Come join us after school this Thursday for the student vs staff volleyball challenge! If you signed up to play, look for your name outside the gym doors so you know your team. If you signed up to help coach or cheer, you’ll get a pass for Tuesday Knight Time to see Mrs. Sutton and be assigned a role. All participation is optional. See you all at the games!

The Scholastic Summer Reading Book Fair is still open in the Newton Library!  We will be open TODAY until 3:15. Come shop the fair and help support the Newton Library!!

Attention all student council members- we will have our final student council meeting this Thursday, May 10th immediately after school.  It will be a short meeting to sign up for jobs at the Carnival on May 23rd. Members can still go to volleyball game after school. Come sign up for your job.

Listen up 6th and 7th graders:  If you want to help write and design Newton’s yearbook next year, make sure you complete your application packet by THIS Thursday, May 10th. You can ask questions and pick up a packet from Mr. Atherton, Mrs. Svigel or the main office. This will be a Knight Time class, NOT an elective. We are looking for students who are organized, have strong writing skills, and who are willing to take photos at Newton events.

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