
January 18,2018 - EVEN Day Schedule


Lego Club will ​restart TODAY​ in the art room​! New members are most welcome,
​LEGOS provided. We will meet this semester through the end of April.
Don't forget to check out the flyers around the school for Newton Podcasts! Submit your ideas to the email on the flyers. All ideas submitted will be considered and then talked about on Thursdays during Knight Time. Tune in on SoundCloud - the link to listen is also on the flyers.

Do you juggle, tell jokes, lip synch, sing, play an instrument? It’s time again to start thinking about Newton’s Knight of Talent, our annual student talent show.  All grades and types of acts are welcome.  Audition packets will be ready on MONDAY,  January 22 for you to pick up from either Ms. Trainer or Ms. P. Andrews.  Deadline for forms is Friday, February 16.  See either Ms. Trainer or Ms. Andrews with questions.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...