
December 4, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


Come and try the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Club, starting in the art  room TODAY.  Learn how to play, or come challenge other experienced players! Loaner cards will be provided.  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.
Performing arts club will have our first meeting on Monday, December 11th! We will meet in Ms. Bryan's room, come sign up outside her room or around the halls.
Work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. We have practice today, and Wednesday after school to prepare for our final wrestling tournament on Thursday after school. Please see Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins with questions.
The December Newton Community KNight is next week on Tuesday, December 12 at Chick-Fil-A SouthGlenn. Come grab dinner from 5-7pm before the concert and 10% of ALL SALES for dine in, drive-thru or take out will be donated back to our school!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...