
October 18, 2017 - LATE START Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday Oct. 29th. Don't miss this fantastic event to support the Littleton public schools foundation. And guess what! The race is the weekend before halloween so wear your halloween costume while you participate in the 5k or 10k run/walk. You will also receive a long sleeved performance shirt! See Ms. Osthoff for more details.

What did you do this summer?  Yearbook needs your photos!!  Visit Ms. J Andrews teacher page and click the HJESHARE link on the right.  Don't forget the school code!  Then select your photos, provide some information and submit!  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.  We can wait to see how you spent your summer!!

The next Newton Community KNight is just around the corner!  Please invite family and friends to The Garlic Knot at Arapahoe & Holly on Tuesday, October 24 anytime from
4pm-close.  Mention Newton and 25% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school in support of our Annual Fund Drive!

Do you like to have fun with your friends and dress up for halloween?
Are you brave enough to go in the haunted house?
If so, come to the fall party on October 31st.
Eat pizza, drink soda, dance and go to the Haunted House.
You can change into your costume and head to the party during homeroom on October 31st.
We will be selling tickets at lunch for 6 CODE cards or five dollars.
The only days we are selling are October 26th and 27th, so make sure you bring your 6 CODE cards or 5 dollars to lunch those two days.
Bring money to buy your pizza, soda and Haunted House tickets there. Only one dollar for each.
Don’t miss out on all the fun on October 31st.  Get you tickets.

Please remind your parents about P/T Conferences TONIGHT from 3:30-7:00!

Have a GREAT LONG weekend!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...