
April 3, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



Attention to all 7th graders: We are now accepting WEB applications for the 2017-2018 school year. WEB is a great activity for students who are looking to make a difference in their school community. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students until Wednesday, April 5. You can access the application on the NMS Homepage. See Mrs. Ebel or Ms. Trainer for more information!

8th grade volleyball players remember you have practice after school TODAY.  And as a reminder both C Teams will play against Options tomorrow!.

CMAS testing starts tomorrow - please get a lot of sleep tonight and be on time tomorrow! ALSO - MAKE SURE YOU CHARGE YOUR CHROME BOOKS TONIGHT AND BRING THEM TOMORROW!

Wednesday 2-19-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 19, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Unite...