
March 24, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



ALL borrowed library computers must be returned by 1:00 TODAY to the library!

Attention to all 7th graders: We are now accepting WEB applications for the 2017-2018 school year. WEB is a great activity for students who are looking to make a difference in their school community. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students until Wednesday, April 5. You can access the application on the NMS Homepage. See Mrs. Ebel or Ms. Trainer for more information!

Have A Great Spring Break!


March 23, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



Don’t forget the Talent Show TONIGHT at 7:00pm  Tickets are $2.00 at the door

Attention to all 7th graders: We are now accepting WEB applications for the 2017-2018 school year. WEB is a great activity for students who are looking to make a difference in their school community. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students until Wednesday, April 5. You can access the application on the NMS Homepage. See Mrs. Ebel or Ms. Trainer for more information!


March 22, 2017 - ALL Day Schedule



Don’t forget the Talent Show TOMORROW night at 7:00pm  Tickets are $2.00 at the door

All NJHS members don't forget we have a meeting TODAY after school in the Mini Theater.

Attention to all 7th graders: We are now accepting WEB applications for the 2017-2018 school year. WEB is a great activity for students who are looking to make a difference in their school community. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students until Wednesday, April 5. You can access the application on the NMS Homepage. See Mrs. Ebel or Ms. Trainer for more information!


March 21, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Don’t forget the Talent Show Thursday night at 7:00pm  Tickets are $2.00 at the door

All NJHS members going to the Nursing Home today, please meet in Mrs. DeSantis' room right after school.

All NJHS members don't forget we have a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) after school in the Mini Theater.


March 20, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



ll students participating in the talent show there is a required dress rehearsal today from 4:00-6:00. You need to come dressed in your outfit and bring anything used in your act. See you at 4:00 in the gym.

Today's anime club is moved to Wednesday, so no anime club today but we will meet in Ms. Bryan's room on Wednesday!

Talent Show - March 23rd at 7pm - Tickets will be sold at the door!


February 17, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Next week's anime club will be held on Wednesday instead of Monday in Ms. Bryan's room!


March 14, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



The next Newton Community KNight is TONIGHT at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

All NJHS members, don't forget we have a meeting TOMORROW after school in the Mini Theater. See everyone there!

Reminder - TOMORROW is a LATE START Day!


March 13, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



The next Newton Community KNight is TOMORROW at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Reminder - This Wednesday is a LATE START Day!


March 9,2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting TODAY after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

The next Newton Community KNight is next week on Tuesday, March 14 at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Weekend Backpacks will be available TODAY since there is no school on Friday!

Students- please remember that cell phones are not allowed any where in school, including

 the hallways.  You may not listen to music while you are walking to class.If an adult sees

your cell phone, they will take it and then a parent will need to come to the office and pick it


Have a great 3 day weekend and remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour this weekend!


March 8, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting TOMORROW after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

The next Newton Community KNight is next week on Tuesday, March 14 at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Weekend Backpacks will be available TOMORROW since there is no school on Friday!

Students- please remember that cell phones are not allowed any where in school, including

the hallways.  You may not listen to music while you are walking to class.If an adult sees

your cell phone, they will take it and then a parent will need to come to the office and pick it


This week is ODD, EVEN, ODD, EVEN - No School on Friday!


March 7, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting this Thursday March 9th after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

The next Newton Community KNight is next week on Tuesday, March 14 at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Reminder: Lego Club will meet  TODAY in the second art room and is still accepting new

members. Come and build and create stop motion videos with the Lego Club after school!

This week is ODD, EVEN, ODD, EVEN - No School on Friday!


March 6, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting this Thursday March 9th after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

The next Newton Community KNight is next week on Tuesday, March 14 at Noodles & Company SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 5pm-9pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Reminder: Lego Club will meet  TOMORROW in the second art room and is still accepting new members. Come and build and create stop motion videos with the Lego Club Tuesday after school!

-Ms. Silverman's GT STEM class will meet in her classroom today. Please bring homework and a book for a study hall class today. We'll meet back down in the lab on Wednesday.

This week is ODD, EVEN, ODD, EVEN - No School on Friday!


March 3, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule



Students!! Have you been caring? Have you been open minded? Have you been disciplined? Have you been engaged?. Bring your CODE cards to lunch TODAY because you will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting on Thursday March 9th after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

8th grade Basketball team.  Jerseys are due to the main office as soon as possible.  Please bring the WASHED jersey and shorts to the main office today.


March 2, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule



Students!! Have you been caring? Have you been open minded? Have you been disciplined? Have you been engaged? Well on Friday the CODE cart will be in the cafeteria to reward you for your hard work. Bring your CODE cards to lunch TOMORROW because you will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting on Thursday March 9th after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

Staff and students - don't forget that TOMORROW is the pancake breakfast.  We will have a reverse day with homeroom first. Students that bought a ticket will receive it in homeroom and then will go to the cafeteria to eat. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Mack or a student council representative.

8th grade Basketball team.  Jerseys are due to the main office as soon as possible.  Please bring the WASHED jersey and shorts to the main office today.


March 1, 2017 - ALL Day schedule



Students!! Have you been caring? Have you been open minded? Have you been disciplined? Have you been engaged? Well on Friday the CODE cart will be in the cafeteria to reward you for your hard work. Bring your CODE cards to lunch on Friday because you will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to go get them.

Bump set spike it that's the way we like it! 7th grade girls listen up!! Volleyball season is just around the corner and we will have an interest meeting on Thursday March 9th after school. We are looking for all levels of volleyball players whether you have been playing for years or you would like to come try it for the first time. Come to the meeting to see what it's all about but please arrange for a ride home because the meeting should only last about 15 minutes. See Ms. Osthoff or Ms. Trainer if you have questions.

Staff and students - don't forget that this Friday is the pancake breakfast.  We will have a reverse day with homeroom first. Students that bought a ticket will receive it in homeroom and then will go to the cafeteria to eat. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Mack or a student council representative.
We were just notified that Sawyer Z has qualified for the Colorado State Geography Bee to be held on Friday, March 31, 2017. Which him luck on his upcoming event. Way to go Sawyer!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...