
November 11, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



TODAY, Yogurtland is hosting a community fundraiser for all of the schools in the surrounding area.  From 11am – 10pm, you can fill your cup with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you wish for only $5!  For every yogurt purchased, Yogurtland will donate 20% back to our school when you mention Newton.

Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by November 16 if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Hey Newton!  Have you bought your yearbook yet?  Don't miss out.  The yearbook is only $40 but the deadline to turn in your cash or check to the front office or Mes. J Andrews is Friday Dec. 2nd!

LOST and FOUND will be donated TODAY after school --- check for your lost items in the cafeteria!

8th grade choir students should be excused at 8:10 this morning for the choral festival.  

Monday 1-27-25

  Daily Announcements Monday , January 27, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United S...