
November 30, 2016 - WEDNESDAY Schedule



Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly K or Lily P.  Please share your pictures by this FRIDAY, don’t forget to write a caption!

"Those of you wanting to participate in the No Place for Hate training on December 6th, need to get their permission slips to Ms. Swingler ASAP! It will be first come first serve with who gets to attend!"

Save the Date!  The next Newton Community KNight is next Tuesday, December 6 at Tokyo Joe's next to the movie theater at Streets at SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 4pm - 8:30pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!

Attention all 7th grade girls basketball players!  Please return your washed jerseys to Mr. Worsley, in room 1119, as soon as possible.  Thanks.

Attn Girls --- Please remember our dress code --- Split shoulder shirts are not allowed, you need to wear a sweater/shrug over them to cover your shoulders.


November 29, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly K or Lily P.  Please share your pictures by December 2nd, don’t forget to write a caption!

Student Council members, we will have a short meeting after school TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room. We will be planning for our holiday gift exchange for students and room service for the staff.  Please make sure you have a ride home as we will be done by 3:30 at the latest.

Reminder to all, the No Place for Hate club meets Wednesday mornings before school at 7:15 am. Come to the door by the art room where we meet. We have snacks! We are working to make Newton more inclusive and happy for all students and we need your thoughts and help. See Ms. Swingler or Ms. Andrews for questions or details!! ​

"Those of you wanting to participate in the No Place for Hate training on December 6th, need to get their permission slips to Ms. Swingler ASAP! It will be first come first serve with who gets to attend!"

Save the Date!  The next Newton Community KNight is next Tuesday, December 6 at Tokyo Joe's next to the movie theater at Streets at SouthGlenn.  Mention Newton when you come in anytime between 4pm - 8:30pm for dine in or take out and 25% of your bill will be donated back to our school!


November 28, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly K or Lily P.  Please share your pictures by December 2nd, don’t forget to write a caption!

Student Council members, we will have a short meeting after school TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room. We will be planning for our holiday gift exchange for students and room service for the staff.  Please make sure you have a ride home as we will be done by 3:30 at the latest.

Reminder to all, the No Place for Hate club meets Wednesday mornings before school at 7:15 am. Come to the door by the art room where we meet. We have snacks! We are working to make Newton more inclusive and happy for all students and we need your thoughts and help. See Ms. Swingler or Ms. Andrews for questions or details!! ​


November 18,2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Newton wrestlers really held their own yesterday against a rested Powell team as we battled through.  Don't forget that we have practice after the holidays on Monday and Wednesday as we prepare for the tournament.

Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly Koch or Lily Platzer.  Please share your pictures by December 2nd, don’t forget to write a caption!

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria on TODAY. Bring your CODE cards to lunch!

Student Council members, we will have a short meeting after school on Tuesday, November 29th in Mrs. Mack's room. We will be planning for our holiday gift exchange for students and room service for the staff.  Please make sure you have a ride home as we will be done by 3:30 at the latest.



November 17, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can

 put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration

forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back

to Mrs. Lacey by TOMORROW.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you

MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly Koch or Lily Platzer.  Please share your pictures by December 2nd, don’t forget to write a caption!

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria on TOMORROW. Bring your CODE cards to lunch!

Student Council members, we will have a short meeting after school on Tuesday, November 29th in Mrs. Mack's room. We will be planning for our holiday gift exchange for students and room service for the staff.  Please make sure you have a ride home as we will be done by 3:30 at the latest.

Attention all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers.  Today is our dual meet with Powell and Euclid here at Newton.  Be at the gym ready to go as soon as possible after school. Please see Mrs. Mack with any questions. Everyone is invited to come and watch our Newton wrestlers. See you in the gym after school.


November 16, 2016 - LATE START SCHEDULE



Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can

put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration

forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back

to Mrs. Lacey by FRIDAY.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST

have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by TODAY if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Congratulations to all the Newton wrestlers who have dominated the opponents the last two days.  In our matches over Powell, Goddard and Euclid we tallied 37 wins with 15 of them coming from pins.  We do have practice today after school in the cave. Don't forget to get your tshirt money to Mrs. Mack today by 3 p.m.  All 7th and 8th grade wrestlers have a meet on Thursday here at Newton.  Come out and support the Newton wrestlers.

Hey Newton, the yearbook staff is looking for your travel pictures, you can upload them directly to with the school code  NMSYBK2017. If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews, Kelly Koch or Lily Platzer.  Please share your pictures by December 2nd, don’t forget to write a caption!

No after school homework club with Mr Wyckhuyse and Mrs Swingler TODAY.


November 15, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by TOMORROW if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Attention all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers...make sure you are changed and ready to go right after school for our meet at Euclid.  If you have any concerns please see Mrs. Mack as soon as possible. All wrestlers need to bring in their $15 for shirts by tomorrow at 3 p.m.. We will be placing our order then so we can hopefully get them in time for the December wrestling match.  See Mrs. Mack with any questions.

No after school homework club with Mr Wyckhuyse and Mrs Swingler TOMORROW.



November 14, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by November 16 if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Attention all 6th grade wrestlers - get changed and meet on the bus in the east parking lot right after school to go to Powell for our meet. See Mrs. Mack if you have any questions.  All wrestlers don't forget to get your t-shirt money in as soon as possible. 7th and 8th grade wrestlers your meet is tomorrow at Euclid.


November 11, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



TODAY, Yogurtland is hosting a community fundraiser for all of the schools in the surrounding area.  From 11am – 10pm, you can fill your cup with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you wish for only $5!  For every yogurt purchased, Yogurtland will donate 20% back to our school when you mention Newton.

Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by November 16 if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Hey Newton!  Have you bought your yearbook yet?  Don't miss out.  The yearbook is only $40 but the deadline to turn in your cash or check to the front office or Mes. J Andrews is Friday Dec. 2nd!

LOST and FOUND will be donated TODAY after school --- check for your lost items in the cafeteria!

8th grade choir students should be excused at 8:10 this morning for the choral festival.  


November 10, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



TOMORROW, Yogurtland is hosting a community fundraiser for all of the schools in the surrounding area.  From 11am – 10pm, you can fill your cup with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you wish for only $5!  For every yogurt purchased, Yogurtland will donate 20% back to our school when you mention Newton.

Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by November 16 if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

Time is running out!  Buy your yearbook before it's too late.  The deadline is Dec 2nd, so hurry up!  Bring $40 cash or check to the front office  or to Ms. J Andrews so you can get a yearbook!!

LOST and FOUND will be donated TOMORROW --- check for your lost items in the cafeteria!


November 9,2016 - ALL Day Schedule



This Friday November 11, Yogurtland is hosting a community fundraiser for all of the schools in the surrounding area.  From 11am – 10pm, you can fill your cup with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you wish for only $5!  For every yogurt purchased, Yogurtland will donate 20% back to our school when you mention Newton.

Buy your yearbook today and remember your year here at Newton.  Bring in $40 check made out to Newton Middle School or cash and give it to Ms. J Andrews or the main office.

Chess players:  Come to the district chess tournament and show off how quickly you can put someone in checkmate, or just come for a full day of chess playing fun.  Registration forms for the tournament can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, and are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  No late or on-sight registrations are accepted, so you MUST have it in before Thanksgiving break.  

Spellers:  Spelling Bee practice will be starting soon.  Sign up on the list outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369, by November 16 if you'd like to participate in this year's bee.  

LOST and FOUND will be donated on Friday --- check for your lost items in the cafeteria!


November 8, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



This Friday November 11, Yogurtland is hosting a community fundraiser for all of the schools in the surrounding area.  From 11am – 10pm, you can fill your cup with as much frozen yogurt and toppings as you wish for only $5!  For every yogurt purchased, Yogurtland will donate 20% back to our school when you mention Newton.

Hey Newton!  Have you bought your yearbook yet?  Don't miss out.  The yearbook is only $40 but the deadline to turn in your cash or check to the front office or Mes. J Andrews is Friday Dec. 2nd!

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey

Club Reminder:  No Place for Hate will be meeting tomorrow (Wed) morning at 7:15 in the art room.  Please come and join us.  We will have breakfast snacks!!  Please see Ms. J Andrews or Mrs. Swingler is you have any questions.

LOST and FOUND will be donated on Friday --- check for your lost items in the cafeteria!


November 7, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Attention all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers.  Be ready to get on the bus right after school for our match against Powell.  Let's continue our success from last week and take the pumas down..  If you have any questions or concerns, see Ms. Trainer in B wing or Mr. Wyckhuyse.

Time is running out!  Buy your yearbook before it's too late.  The deadline is Dec 2nd, so hurry up!  Bring $40 cash or check to the front office  or to Ms. J Andrews so you can get a yearbook!!

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey


November 4, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule


Congratulations to all the Newton wrestlers for their outstanding performance over the last two days.  The team won 21 matches over the two days with 13 of those wins coming from pins.  7th and 8th grade wrestlers won 14 of their 19 matches.  7th and 8th grade wrestlers don't forget we have a meet on Monday against Powell.  See you at the bus after school.

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey



November 3, 2016 - ODD Day Schedule



Attention all 7th/8th grade wrestlers...please get changed and on the bus in the east parking lot right after school for our match at Euclid. If you have not seen Mrs. Mack for a singlet or turned in your medical form - see her as soon as possible!!!!  See you after school.

8th grade girls basketball players, there will be practice TODAY after school, meet in the gym dressed out and ready to go by 3

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey

Do you want to remember your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year here at Newton? Well you can! Buy your yearbook today. Bring in $40 check made out to Newton Middle School or cash and give it to Ms. J Andrews or the main office.

Breaking news! The Homeroom Participation contest for the Newton Discovery Fund Drive has been extended through Friday.  Any donations made by tomorrow will be included in the contest. Remember, the homeroom with the highest number of donations in each grade wins an ice cream sundae party later this semester!  

6th & 7th Grade PARENTS and STUDENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton from out of the district you MUST do an Intent to Renew form for next year. These forms can be printed off of the district website or picked up in the office.


November 2, 2016 - ALL Day Schedule




All 6th grade wrestlers...make sure you have your uniform for today's meet. Get changed

out immediately after school and meet in the gym.  See Mrs. Mack if you have any

questions.  If you are a 7th or 8th grade wrestler and did not get your uniform yet, please

see Mrs. Mack before the end of the day.  Your meet is tomorrow at Euclid.

Everyone is invited to come cheer on our 6th grade wrestlers as they take on Powell

Goddard and Euclid in the gym today after school. Come cheer on your Newton Wrestlers!

8th grade girls basketball players, there will be practice TOMORROW after school meet in the gym dressed out and ready to go by 3

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey

Do you want to remember your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year here at Newton? Well you can! Buy your yearbook today. Bring in $40 check made out to Newton Middle School or cash and give it to Ms. J Andrews or the main office.

6th & 7th Grade PARENTS and STUDENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton from out of the district you MUST do an Intent to Renew form for next year. These forms can be printed off of the district website or picked up in the office.


November 1, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Student council would like to thank the PBIS committee and the PTO for putting on a great Halloween party. We would also like to thank the staff and administration for all the help and hard work on the Haunted House. Great job student council members for putting together a great event and proving that Newton is the best  school with the most school spirit.

Attention all wrestlers, we do have practice today in the Cave. It is important that all wrestlers attend since it is our last practice before we have our meets.  The 6th graders will have their meet on Wednesday here at Newton. Come and support them in the gym after school.
8th grade girls basketball players, there will be practice on November 3rd after school meet in the gym dressed out and ready to go by 3

Hey Newton!!  No Place for Hate is now going to be a club! Please join us Wed mornings at 7:15 in the art room.  We will be working together to create activites that promote acceptance of all students and teaming up to help kids and our community stop bullying. Please join us TOMORROW!  We will have snacks!!

Students, the LPS district chess tournament is coming up on Saturday, December 3.  The tournament will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm here at Newton.  Information and registration forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registrations forms are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 18.  Also outside of Mrs. Lacey's room is the sign up for the spelling bee!  Any student interested in participating in this year's spelling bee needs to sign up by November 16.  We will start practicing during knight time or homeroom after Thanksgiving break.  If you have questions about the chess tournament or the spelling bee, please see Mrs. Lacey

Do you want to remember your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year here at Newton? Well you can! Buy your yearbook today. Bring in $40 check made out to Newton Middle School or cash and give it to Ms. J Andrews or the main office.

6th & 7th Grade PARENTS and STUDENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton from out of the district you MUST do an Intent to Renew form for next year. These forms can be printed off of the district website or picked up in the office.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...