
October 25, 2016 - EVEN Day Schedule



Attention all student council members - we are meeting in the cafeteria immediately after the announcements to go to Heritage High School.

If you are in the Zentangle Knight Time - please bring work to do. It will be a study hall for today only. You will be meeting in the library.

Come watch the Lady Knights take on the Powell Pumas today after school in the Newton Gym.  Help cheer them on to victory.

8th grade girls' basketball players come see Ms Timinski during lunch in room 1117 to get your uniforms for today's game.

NO After School Support with Mr. Wyckhuyse and Mrs. Swingler TOMORROW, since neither one is Available on Wednesday to supervise.  We will see you on Thursday!

8th grade girls' basketball players, practice is canceled on  Thursday October 27

There are 6 days remaining in the Homeroom Participation contest for the Newton Discovery Fund Drive. We will share updated results for the contest in Homeroom this Friday so encourage your family to make a donation before then.  Remember, the homeroom with the highest number of donations in each grade wins an ice cream party in November!  

8th grade track, please return your washed jerseys to Ms. Bryan or Mrs. Worsley this week or you will be charged for them!

Smart Girls will begin Friday. Ms. Swingler will send you a pass that day with where to go. Remember, we meet during homeroom time. See you then!

Tickets for the Halloween Party will be sold during lunch this Thursday and Friday. To get a ticket to enter the party, it is 6 CODE cards or $3. Inside the party, you can buy pizza for $1, soda for $1, and entrance to the haunted house for $2. There will be music, contests, cake walks and carnival games. You will be dismissed from homeroom, and it lasts until 4:00.The code cart will be in the cafeteria on Friday also!


The Littleton Stride is coming up THIS SUNDAY Oct. 30th. Don't miss this fantastic event to support the Littleton public schools foundation. And guess what! The race is the day before halloween so wear your halloween costume while you participate in the 5k or 10k run. You will also receive a long sleeved performance shirt! See Ms. Osthoff for more details.

Do you want to remember your 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year here at Newton? Well you can! Buy your yearbook today. Bring in $40 check made out to Newton Middle School or cash and give it to Ms. J Andrews or the main office.

6th & 7th Grade PARENTS and STUDENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton from out of the district you MUST do an Intent to Renew form for next year. These forms can be printed off of the district website or picked up in the office.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...