
May 11, 2016 - All Day Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin

Grilled Cheese
Chicken Tacos

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention all student council members: We will have our next meeting TODAY, right after school.  We will be organizing for the all school BBQ and the Carnival afterwards. Come ready to plan, paint and organize.  See you in Mrs. Mack's room Wednesday.

Newton Knights at Yogurtland - TODAY
Stop by Yogurtland at 7535 S. University tomorrow any time between 11:00 am - 10:00 pm and purchase a $5 unlimited cup of your your favorite froyo and toppings.  Let the cashier know you are from Newton and we will receive 20% of each sale!  Grab your family, friends, neighbors, teammates for a Yogurtland treat.  Schools with the most participation will win a free Yogurtland party.  

7th Graders going to Jump Street next week - please make sure your parents have gone online and done the liability waiver for Jumpstreet - you will not be able to jump if this is not done before next Friday!

8th grade girls Volleyball players please turn in your jersey's to Ms. Timinski or Mrs. Mack TODAY.  IF we do not have them tomorrow you will be charged for their replacement.

Pizza party money is also due TODAY so that we have time to celebrate our winning season.

Attention all students- if you have a broken Chromebook, it needs to be turned in to Mrs. Gragg TODAY.  It is important to get them fixed prior to leaving before the summer vacation.

Students- You will be turning in your Chromebook for the summer on Tuesday, May 17th.  Please make sure you bring your charger in on Tuesday as you will need to return that with your Chromebook.

The PE department would like to thank Mr. Finer and all of the 7th grade Stem students for helping design this years Run With The Knights T-shirt.  We had a very difficult time deciding which design to use this year a great job by everyone!

"Attention all 6th grade STEM students. All students from both 1st and 2nd semester are encouraged to attend knight time today in the wood shop where we will all present your mass produced peg games to representatives from Health South Rehabilitation Hospital. Please go to your regularly scheduled knight time for attendance and wait for an announcement to come to the stem center at 2:10."

Students- please remember that cell phones are not allowed to be used anywhere during the school day; including out at recess!  They will be taken away and a parent will have to come pick them up if they are seen.

Yearbooks will be handed out to 8th graders during Run with the Knights, 6th and 7th graders will be receiving their yearbooks during lunch on Wed. Students should write their name in their book as soon as they get it, and always be aware of what people are writing in their book.  If a student did not order a yearbook, there will be some for sale on Thursday morning at 7:30 in the main office.  There are not a lot left over, so it will be a first come first serve basis and we can only accept the $40.00 in cash.  

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...