
November 17, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese



Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

Students and Teachers - remember that students going to a teachers classroom at lunchtime must have a pass BEFORE lunch. students will not be allowed to leave the lunchroom without it.

Students - you will lose your outside lunchtime privileges if you continue to take food outside.

Remember - TOMORROW is a late start day!

Fantasy Football will meet today after school. See you there!

Boy's Club will not be meeting again until after Thanksgiving break.

Students interested in participating in the district chess tournament need to get their entry fee and registration form in to Mrs. Lacey by Friday.  No late or on-site registrations are accepted.  The tournament is non-elimination, so you get to play and compete all day.  Entry forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.

Students who would like to participate in this year's Spelling Bee need to sign up outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.  The school Bee will be held in January, and the district Bee is in February, but we'll start practicing after Thanksgiving break.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...