
November 30, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Bosco Sticks



Students who would like to participate in this year's Spelling Bee need to sign up outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.  The school Bee will be held in January, and the district Bee is in February, but we'll start practicing after Thanksgiving break.

Attention all student council members, our next meeting is Wednesday in Mrs. Mack's room. We will be presenting a check to the Make a Wish Foundation and they will be giving us a plague for our hard work. We will be signing up for room service for the staff as well as spirit week, valograms and more. See you Wednesday.

Boys' Club will meet TOMORROW after school. See you then!

Fantasy Football will meet Wednesday in Mrs. DeSantis' room. We have two weeks of prizes, so don't miss out!

Attention 6th grade girls interested in playing volleyball.  We will be having an interest meeting on Wednesday at 2:50 in room 1595.  The meeting will not last very long so make sure you have a ride home.

Time is running out!  Buy your yearbook before it's too late.  The deadline is Dec 7th, so hurry up!  Bring $40 cash or check to the front office so you can get a yearbook!!


November 19, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Thanksgiving Feast

Pizza Pocket
Fish sticks


Students interested in participating in the district chess tournament need to get their entry fee and registration form in to Mrs. Lacey by TOMORROW.  No late or on-site registrations are accepted.  The tournament is non-elimination, so you get to play and compete all day.  Entry forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.

Students who would like to participate in this year's Spelling Bee need to sign up outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.  The school Bee will be held in January, and the district Bee is in February, but we'll start practicing after Thanksgiving break.

If you plan on attending the No Place for Hate training day on Dec. 2nd please get your permission slip in by tomorrow to Ms. Swingler or Ms. J. Andrews!

Attention all wrestlers!  Don't forget about out meet against Powell today after school today in the gym.  Be there as quickly as you can! Newton students come out and support your wrestlers and watch the meet after school.

Attention all student council members, our next meeting is Wednesday, December 2nd in Mrs. Mac's room. We will be presenting a check to the Make a Wish Foundation and they will be giving us a plague for our hard work. We will be signing up for room service for the staff as well as spirit week, valograms and more. See you Wednesday.


Lost and found will be donated tomorrow - come get your stuff TODAY!


SNOW IS TO REMAIN ON THE GROUND!!!   No throwing, kicking, etc!


November 18,2015 - LATE START SCHEDULE

Yogurt & Muffin

Thanksgiving Feast


Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

Students interested in participating in the district chess tournament need to get their entry fee and registration form in to Mrs. Lacey by Friday.  No late or on-site registrations are accepted.  The tournament is non-elimination, so you get to play and compete all day.  Entry forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.

Students who would like to participate in this year's Spelling Bee need to sign up outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.  The school Bee will be held in January, and the district Bee is in February, but we'll start practicing after Thanksgiving break.

Reminder: Lego Club meets today after school in the art room - see you soon!

.The Newton wrestling team did a great job against Euclid yesterday with several wrestlers recording pins and wins.  Wrestlers don't forget we have practice today after school and we have a match against Powell tomorrow.

The 8th grade girls basketball team would like to thank all of the fans that came out and supported us last night during our red out game against Goddard. You guys were incredible! Special shout out goes to Owen Conley, our Newton Knight Mascot. You were awesome Owen. Thanks! Because of all of your fan support, the girls A and B teams completed the sweep over the visiting Vikings. Thank you again to all that participated.



November 17, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese



Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

Students and Teachers - remember that students going to a teachers classroom at lunchtime must have a pass BEFORE lunch. students will not be allowed to leave the lunchroom without it.

Students - you will lose your outside lunchtime privileges if you continue to take food outside.

Remember - TOMORROW is a late start day!

Fantasy Football will meet today after school. See you there!

Boy's Club will not be meeting again until after Thanksgiving break.

Students interested in participating in the district chess tournament need to get their entry fee and registration form in to Mrs. Lacey by Friday.  No late or on-site registrations are accepted.  The tournament is non-elimination, so you get to play and compete all day.  Entry forms can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.

Students who would like to participate in this year's Spelling Bee need to sign up outside Mrs. Lacey's room, 1369.  The school Bee will be held in January, and the district Bee is in February, but we'll start practicing after Thanksgiving break.


November 16, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Chicken Gyro
Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese


Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting on Wednesday in Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

Students and Teachers - remember that students going to a teachers classroom at lunchtime must have a pass BEFORE lunch. students will not be allowed to leave the lunchroom without it.

Students - you will lose your outside lunchtime privileges if you continue to take food outside.

Remember - Wednesday is a late start day!


Start your day earlier then normal so you have time to:
  • clean off and warm up cars
  • have extra driving time for traffic issues

School closure Information:
  • LPS Closures are listed on the LPS website if they occur - BEST PLACE TO CHECK!
  • Middle School - NEVER starts late (just elementary schools)
  • We will try to get closure information on our website and our phone line if needed


November 13, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Pig in a Blanket
Philly Cheesesteak Sub


Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting on Wednesday, November 18th in Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

Congratulations to the sixth grade who won ice cream sandwiches for the pledge drive!  We will let you know when you will get to celebrate.

The 7th grade lunchtime choir rehearsal scheduled for today had been postponed until next Tuesday.  Enjoy your lunch today!

Students and Teachers - remember that students going to a teachers classroom at lunchtime must have a pass BEFORE lunch. students will not be allowed to leave the lunchroom without it.

Students - you will lose your outside lunchtime privileges if you continue to take food outside.


November 12, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Mac & Cheese
BBQ Chicken Sandwich

Pig in a Blanket
Philly Cheesesteak Sub


Attention all student council officers, and those who attended the Heritage Leadership conference, we will have a meeting on Wednesday, November 18thin Mrs. Mack's room.  This is only for officers  and those who attended the conference.  We will have a regular meeting for the entire student council in December.

The 6th grade wrestlers had a great match yesterday. Ian McCall, Iden Klipec and Nathan Rushmore all did a great job winning their matches and wrestling hard. There is wrestling practice after school today in the CAVE


November 11,2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin
Mac & Cheese
BBQ Chicken Sandwich


Today is Veteran’s Day - please take a moment today to honor those that have served and are serving our country!

Fantasy Football Club will be meeting TODAY after school. See you there!

Congratulations to the girls A team for their victory over Powell last night in a very noisy Powell gymnasium. The B team lost a close one and C team dominated the Pumas. Way to go lady Knights!

We will announce later this morning if it will be an inside or outside day for lunch - be listening!


November 10, 2015 EVEN Day Schedule

Turkey Roast
Egg Roll

Yogurt & Muffin


Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Boys Club will be meeting TODAY after school. Hope everyone can make it!

Fantasy Football Club will be meeting TOMORROW after school. See you there!

Remember all you Knights! It is kindness week here at Newton. Remember to show your kind acts and make someone smile.
Food for thought:
"Kindness is like a boomerang, it always returns."

"The Red Ribbon Week Video Contest winners are Parker Peterson and Mary Pfieffer-DeVito.  Please come down to the main office for your prize!"


November 9th, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Daily Announcements
Monday, November 9, 2015
ODD Day  Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Penne with Meatballs
Taco Salad
Turkey Roast
Egg Roll


Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Attention student council members - We will not be meeting TOMORROW as originally planned.  Please remember to check the student council classroom page for announcements.  If you haven't signed up yet see Mrs. Mack for more information.

Attention all students attending the Leadership Conference TOMORROW.  Make sure you check in with your teachers before tomorrow.  We will make an announcement to have you dismissed from class.  Be sure to bring your money in as soon as possible if you haven't and give it to Mrs. Mack or Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers.  You have your meet against Powell TODAY.  If you have any problems, please see Mr. Wyckhuyse.  There will be no 6th grade practice today but you will have practice tomorrow.

Boys Club will be meeting Tuesday after school this week. Hope everyone can make it!

Fantasy Football Club will be meeting Wednesday after school. See you there!

Remember all you Knights! It is kindness week here at Newton. Remember to show your kind acts and make someone smile.
Food for thought:
"Kindness is like a boomerang, always returns."


November 6, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap



Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Attention student council members - We will not be meeting on November 10th as originally planned.  Please remember to check the student council classroom page for announcements.  If you haven't signed up yet see Mrs. Mack for more information.

Attention all students attending the Leadership Conference on Tuesday, November 10th.  Make sure you check in with your teachers before Tuesday.  We will make an announcement to have you dismissed from class that day.  Be sure to bring your money in as soon as possible if you haven't and give it to Mrs. Mack or Mrs. J Andrews.

Attention all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers.  Your next meet is Monday against Goddard.  Don't forget your uniform and head gear forMonday.  There will be no 6th grade practice on Monday.

Next week, No Place for Hate or Fair Shake, is putting on a kindness week here at Newton. We know we have many kind acts every day here and this week we want to promote even more! Through out the week there will be different ways kindness is promoted. We look forward to a great week of promoting kindness to all here at Newton and in our community.

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch TODAY to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code cards, so please remember to bring them with you!


November 5, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Tenders

Teriyaki Chicken
Turkey Wrap


Tonight is the LHS Freshman Preview Night - 6:30

Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Fantasy Football will meet TODAY. We will be doing two weeks of prizes, so don't miss out!

Hey artist!  Art club will be meeting for the last time TODAY.  Please be sure to come finish any project you have started and take home the wonderful work you have created!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews or Mrs. Silverman.  See you TODAY!

Just a reminder to all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers that your first match is TODAY at Goddard.  Make sure you have your uniform and head gear.  If you forgot it, make sure you see Mrs. Mack as soon as possible.   There will be no 6th grade practice today.

Attention student council members - We will not be meeting on November 10th as originally planned.  Please remember to check the student council classroom page for announcements.  If you haven't signed up yet see Mrs. Mack for more information.

Attention all students attending the Leadership Conference on Tuesday, November 10th.  Make sure you check in with your teachers before Tuesday.  We will make an announcement to have you dismissed from class that day.  Be sure to bring your money in as soon as possible if you haven't and give it to Mrs. Mack or Mrs. J Andrews.

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch TOMORROW to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code cards, so please remember to bring them with you!


November 4, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Yogurt & Muffin
Chicken Tenders


Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Reminder to all Lego Clubbers: Lego club will not meet today. See you next week!

Fantasy Football will meet TOMORROW. We will be doing two weeks of prizes, so don't miss out!

Hey artist!  Art club will be meeting for the last time TOMORROW.  Please be sure to come finish any project you have started and take home the wonderful work you have created!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews or Mrs. Silverman.  See you TOMORROW!

Just a reminder to all 7th and 8th grade wrestlers that your first match is tomorrow at Goddard.  Make sure you bring your uniform and head gear.  There will be no 6th grade practice on Thursday.

Attention student council members - We will not be meeting on November 10th as originally planned.  Please remember to check the student council classroom page for announcements.  If you haven't signed up yet see Mrs. Mack for more information.

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch Friday to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code cards, so please remember to bring them with you!


November 3, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

French Toast Sticks

Yogurt & Muffin


The “It’s a Dog’s Life” KT class is collecting dog & cat supplies for the Non-Profit “Peace, Love & Paws”.  There is a box in the front office for donations - Please help by bringing food, toys, treats, leashes, collars, etc.  Thank You!

Students, this year's district chess tournament will be held on Saturday, December 5 here at Newton. If you would like to compete, pick up a registration form along with a rules and information sheet from the blue folder outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and fees are due to Mrs. Lacey by November 19. No late or on-site registrations will be accepted.  See Mrs. Lacey with questions.

Newspaper Club is cancelled until further notice. With so many great activities at Newton, we just didn't have enough students attend. Mrs. Svigel may try to have the club start again second semester. Thank you to the many who were interested but just couldn't work it into their schedule.

Reminder to all Lego Clubbers: Lego club will not meet this week. We look forward to seeing you next week!

Boys Club will meet today after school in Mrs. DeSantis' room. See you there!

Fantasy Football will meet Thursday this week. We will be doing two weeks of prizes, so don't miss out!

Hey artist!  Art club will be meeting for the last time this week on Thursday.  Please be sure to come finish any project you have started and take home the wonderful work you have created!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. J Andrews or Mrs. Silverman.  See you Thursday!

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch Friday to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code cards, so please remember to bring them with you!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...