
April 15, 2015 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Sliced Turkey Sandwich
Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Fruit & Cheese Salad
Reminders & Announcements:

The library is looking for volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in volunteering for the Book Fair please pick up an applications from the library or the front office.  All applications need to be turned in by April 21st.  

Attention all 7th graders: If you are interested in becoming a WEB leader for next year, the online application is due this Friday, April 17th. Please see Mrs. Cox or Mrs. Ebel with any questions.

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the fall, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

We know you have been working really hard to earn all those CODE cards so we want to let you know that the 4th quarter reward will be Kona Ice the last week of school. Save up 6 CODE cards to enjoy a snow cone and to get out of homeroom!

Friday is College in Colorado day?  Borrow a shirt or hoodie from your parents or siblings! Let’s see how many different colleges we can represent

Teachers!!! Don't forget to complete the assembly survey. If we get 80% or better PBIS will sponsor a salad bar in the office!

Teachers - End of the Year Field Trip info has been placed in your mailboxes - Permission slips need to be handed out on TODAY during 5TH PERIOD!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...