
February 19, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Caesar Salad

Penne Pasta & Meatballs
Fish Sticks

Reminders & Announcements:

Students interested in auditioning for the talent show, today is your last opportunity to pick up an audition packet. All students wanting to tryout need to see Ms. P Andrews to sign up for an audition time on either Monday the 23rd or Tuesday the 24th. You must signup for a time to be able to audition.

Students - Lost and Found will be donated on March 6th to a Reservation in S.D.. Please make sure you check the table and retrieve your items before then. ALSO, if you have coats you would like to donate to the Reservation - please bring them to Mrs. Lawler in the Library before that date.

Attention, 7th grade boys basketball players!  Please return your WASHED basketball jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau as soon as possible.  If you don't return your jersey, you will receive a bill to cover the the replacement cost.  Thanks.

CODE cart days are Spirit Day days!!  Friday the CODE cart will be in the cafeteria and it will be an 80's day!  So wear your rainbow striped shirts, shoulder pads and member's only jackets, or red and black, on Fri and bring your CODE cards to lunch!

8th Grade Girls are you ready to bump, set, and spike? If you are, there will be a brief interest meeting after school February 24th immediately after school in Room 108. Please make sure you have a ride home arranged.

Attention all 8th Grade Basketball Players.  There will be no practice today after school.  The schedule for the Tournament on Saturday at Euclid is as follows:

B-Team vs. Goddard at 10:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 9:30
A-Team vs. Goddard at 11:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 10:30
C-Team vs. Powell at Noon; arrive at Euclid by 11:30

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...