
February 27, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich


Reminders & Announcements:



February 26, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Poppers
Taco Salad

Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday, March 11.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

6th grade girls, don't forget to turn in your GESTEM form to Ms. Rahne or your teacher by Friday, February 27th


February 25, 2015 - LATE START Schedule

Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Chicken Poppers
Taco Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday, March 11.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

Another storm is headed our way today ---- be prepared and allow extra time in the morning so you can make it to school on time.


February 24, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

8th Grade Girls are you ready to bump, set, and spike? If you are, there will be a brief interest meeting after school TODAY in Room 108. Please make sure you have a ride home arranged.

Newspaper Club meets TODAY in Mrs. Svigel's room. We will pull together the February edition of the paper. Bring a snack to share if you are able.

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday, March 11.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  


February 23, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Turkey Roast & Gravy
Mozzarella Sticks

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

8th Grade Girls are you ready to bump, set, and spike? If you are, there will be a brief interest meeting after school TOMORROW in Room 108. Please make sure you have a ride home arranged.

Newspaper Club meets TOMORROW in Mrs. Svigel's room. We will pull together the February edition of the paper. Bring a snack to share if you are able.

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday, March 11.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

If you took the NAEP test - please stop by the front desk sometime today.


February 20, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Penne Pasta & Meatballs
Fish Sticks


Reminders & Announcements:

Attention, 7th grade boys basketball players!  Please return your WASHED basketball jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau as soon as possible.  If you don't return your jersey, you will receive a bill to cover the the replacement cost.  Thanks.

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria today.  Remember to bring your CODE cards to lunch today to pick out an awesome treat!!

8th Grade Girls are you ready to bump, set, and spike? If you are, there will be a brief interest meeting after school February 24th immediately after school in Room 108. Please make sure you have a ride home arranged.

Attention all 8th Grade Basketball Players.  The schedule for the Tournament on Saturday
at Euclid is as follows:

B-Team vs. Goddard at 10:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 9:30
A-Team vs. Goddard at 11:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 10:30
C-Team vs. Powell at Noon; arrive at Euclid by 11:30

Please let Mr. Atherton or Mr. Goodreau know TODAY if you will be there to play tomorrow.

STUDENTS & PARENTS - Big storm predicted this weekend - Be prepared on Monday by dressing appropriately for the weather and allowing extra time to get to school!


February 19, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Caesar Salad

Penne Pasta & Meatballs
Fish Sticks

Reminders & Announcements:

Students interested in auditioning for the talent show, today is your last opportunity to pick up an audition packet. All students wanting to tryout need to see Ms. P Andrews to sign up for an audition time on either Monday the 23rd or Tuesday the 24th. You must signup for a time to be able to audition.

Students - Lost and Found will be donated on March 6th to a Reservation in S.D.. Please make sure you check the table and retrieve your items before then. ALSO, if you have coats you would like to donate to the Reservation - please bring them to Mrs. Lawler in the Library before that date.

Attention, 7th grade boys basketball players!  Please return your WASHED basketball jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau as soon as possible.  If you don't return your jersey, you will receive a bill to cover the the replacement cost.  Thanks.

CODE cart days are Spirit Day days!!  Friday the CODE cart will be in the cafeteria and it will be an 80's day!  So wear your rainbow striped shirts, shoulder pads and member's only jackets, or red and black, on Fri and bring your CODE cards to lunch!

8th Grade Girls are you ready to bump, set, and spike? If you are, there will be a brief interest meeting after school February 24th immediately after school in Room 108. Please make sure you have a ride home arranged.

Attention all 8th Grade Basketball Players.  There will be no practice today after school.  The schedule for the Tournament on Saturday at Euclid is as follows:

B-Team vs. Goddard at 10:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 9:30
A-Team vs. Goddard at 11:00 am; arrive at Euclid by 10:30
C-Team vs. Powell at Noon; arrive at Euclid by 11:30


February 18, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pig in a Blanket
Chicken Caesar Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Don't forget to pick up the talent show audition forms by the gym or choir room. They are due back  Friday!! We can't wait to see all the talented students at Newton!

Students - Lost and Found will be donated on March 6th to a Reservation in S.D.. Please make sure you check the table and retrive your items before then. ALSO, if you have coats you would like to donate to the Reservation - please bring them to Mrs. Lawler in the Library before that date.

Attention, 7th grade boys basketball players!  Please return your WASHED basketball jersey to Mr. Worsley or Mr. Goodreau as soon as possible.  If you don't return your jersey, you will receive a bill to cover the the replacement cost.  Thanks.

CODE cart days are Spirit Day days!!  Friday the CODE cart will be in the cafeteria and it will be an 80's day!  So wear your rainbow striped shirts, shoulder pads and member's only jackets, or red and black, on Fri and bring your CODE cards to lunch!


February 17, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin
BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pig in a Blanket

Reminders & Announcements:

Don't forget to pick up the talent show audition forms by the gym or choir room. They are due back  Friday!! We can't wait to see all the talented students at Newton!

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players:
We will be playing  Powell at Powell TODAY in the LPS Basketball Tournament semifinals.  Meet dressed and ready to play by the east doors at 3:00

Students - Lost and Found will be donated on March 6th to a Reservation in S.D.. Please make sure you check the table and retrive your items before then. ALSO, if you have coats you would like to donate to the Reservation - please bring them to Mrs. Lawler in the Library before that date.

Great job, Knight Notes, singing the National. Anthem before the Heritage High School hockey game last night.

All NJHS members:
Induction for new members will be tomorrow morning in the Library at 7:00 a.m.  All new members should plan to attend and parents are welcome to join us.  Breakfast will be served.

Hey, all you basketball fans!!  Did you know the Arapahoe High School Lady Warriors varsity basketball team is 17 & 4 this season?!  You are invited to come out to support these HOOPIN’ ladies as they take on arch rival Cherry Creek High School for a final show down of the season this Wednesday, February 18 at 7pm in the AHS main gym.  It is also senior’s night, so come support the seniors for their last home game as an AHS Warrior.  WIN THE DAY WARRIORS!!


February 13, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog


Reminders & Announcements:
The Search is over!  All the stars have been found.  We will announce the winners and their prizes on Tuesday.

Happy Valentines Day!  Please look for your heart in the hallways!

Don't forget to pick up the talent show audition forms by the gym or choir room. They are due back next Friday!! We can't wait to see all the talented students at Newton!

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players:
On Tuesday, February 17th we will be playing Powell at Powell in the LPS Basketball Tournament semifinals.  Meet dressed and ready to play by the east doors at 3:00 on Tuesday

Students - Lost and Found will be donated on March 6th to a Reservation in S.D.. Please make sure you check the table and retrive your items before then. ALSO, if you have coats you would like to donate to the Reservation - please bring them to Mrs. Lawler in the Library before that date.

Have A Great 3 day weekend!


February 12, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Rotini Chicken Alfredo
Chef Salad

Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog

Reminders & Announcements:
Today is thinking Thursday.  Think about your hear while saying kind things.  Ask your teachers for some fun facts about your heart or Valentines day!


Wednesday, February 11th - ALL DAY Schedule

Daily Announcements
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Rotini Chicken Alfredo
Chef Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

8th Graders - Your 8th grade class Panoramic Picture will be taken TODAY. You should have received an order form in homeroom Friday - if not check with your homeroom teacher  or come to the office and get one.  Please bring these back this week to order.

Our kind act for today goes beyond kind words, please be kind to our environment.  It's half-watt Wednesday.  Do your part and use less electricity, recycle or any other kind act toward our environment.


February 10, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Reminders & Announcements:

For kindness week, today is talking Tuesday.  Give compliments to friends or even new people who you pass in the hallways, help to brighten their day!

Newspaper Club meets today after school in Mrs. Svigel's room. We will brainstorm fresh ideas for our February edition.

8th Graders - Your 8th grade class Panoramic Picture will be taken TOMORROW. You should have received an order form in homeroom Friday - if not check with your homeroom teacher  or come to the office and get one.  Please bring these back this week to order.

If you would like to audition for the talent show, informational packets will be available for pickup by the choir room and gym today. You will need to complete the Talent show packet and sign up for an audition slot time. See Mrs. Andrews or Mrs. Osthoff with questions.


February 9, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Sub Sandwich

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

If you would like to audition for the talent show informational packets will be available for pickup by the choir room and gym TOMORROW. You will need to complete the Talent show packet and sign up for an audition slot time. See Mrs. Andrews or Mrs. Osthoff with questions.

This week is kindness week!  Today is message Monday!  Please look around the building for kind messages.

8th Graders - Your 8th grade class Panoramic Picture will be taken on Wednesday. You should have received an order form in homeroom Friday - if not check with your homeroom teacher  or come to the office and get one.  Please bring these back this week to order.


February 6, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos


Reminders & Announcements:

Applications for Newton's chapter of National Junior Honor Society were handed out to  potential new members on Thursday.  If you are an 8th grader with a GPA of 3.5 or higher or a 7th grader with a GPA of 3.7 or higher and you do not receive one, please see either Mrs. Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli as soon as possible.  Applications are due as indicated in the packet by no later than the end of school TODAY.  Please talk to Mrs. Hissem or Mrs. Petrelli if you have questions.

6th Grade Basketball
There will be an meeting for any 6th grade boy or girl interested in joining 6th grade basketball this year on Monday, February 9th before school at 7:30 in the gym, come join us for some Hoops and fun!  See Mr. Blake if you have any questions.

If you would like to audition for the talent show informational packets will be available for pickup by the choir room and gym on Tuesday February 10. You will need to complete the Talent show packet and sign up for an audition slot time. See Mrs. Andrews or Mrs. Osthoff with questions.

Students who are interested in debate need to sign up with Mrs. Lacey, room 206, TODAY

The CODE cart will be in the cafeteria today.  Remember to bring your CODE cards to lunch today to pick out an awesome treat!!

8th Graders - you will be getting Panoramic Picture order forms in homeroom today. If you wish to order - you need to bring them back by next Wednesday the 11th when we take the picture.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...