
December 19, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Breakfast Bowl & Cinnamon Roll
Alternate Choice
Pigs in a Blanket
Side Selections
Carrot Sticks

Featured Entrée
Mac & Cheese
Alternate Choice
Chicken Pattie Sandwich
Side Selections
 Green Salad
Green Beans



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


TOMORROW will be ugly sweater and/or holiday hat day.  Please make sure to wear your sweater and/or hat to lunch.  The office staff will give a prize to one person in each grade level for the person who has the most holiday spirit!  Staff are included, so dress in your ugliest sweater or holiday hat TOMORROW!

Thank you to Newton students for participating in ipod day before Thanksgiving break. You donated cans and $120 for the Salvation Army to support others in our community.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...