
October 25, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Chicken Fried Steak                                                                                        

Alternate Choice

Sloppy Joe

Side Selections

Green Beans

Carrot Sticks and Dip




Featured Entrée

Alternate Choice

Side Selections           


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




"See you all on Sunday at  the STRIDE! Don't miss it ~Mr. Wyckhuyse will be wearing his infamous penguin outfit and Ms. Plegge and Ms. Gardner will have tutus on!!!"


"Bring your CODE cards and money to lunch today to buy your ticket for the Halloween Dance!! 6 CODE cards  gets you in during Knight Time AND pizza and soda!!! $3 gets you in and $5 gets you in with pizza and soda!"


Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!



Monday 1-27-25

  Daily Announcements Monday , January 27, 2025      ODD Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United S...