
October 31, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

French Toast Sticks & Sausage                                                                                               

Alternate Choice

Pretzel & Cheese Sauce

Side Selections

Sweet Potato Fries

Broccoli & Cheese




Featured Entrée


Alternate Choice

Popcorn Chicken

Side Selections           

Green Beans

Carrot Sticks & Dip

Cinnamon Roll




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:



Attention Newton Fantasy Footballers- Due to Scheduling Conflicts we will not meet this week.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5th when we will award 3 WEEKS OF PRIZES!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions and don't forget to update your rosters for bye weeks!!


8th Graders – Nov 5th is the HHS showcase Night and Nov 6th is the AHS Freshman Showcase. Please check our website or the high school website for details.


Congratulations Newton - we had 103 participants from Newton at the Stride. We met our goal!


Don’t forget we have to turn our clocks back 1 hour this weekend!


Today is homeroom – NOT Knight Time


HAPPY HALLOWEEN – remember you may not wear costumes until you are released for the dance. Costumes may not cover your entire face and must follow dress code rules. The dance is over at 4:00! – There will be a late bus today.


Students -  You MUST go to homeroom!  You will be released from homeroom to the dance. If you are working the dance – make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher first!


October 30, 2013 - ALL Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Mandarin Orange Chicken Rice Bowl                                                                                     

Alternate Choice


Side Selections


Celery Sticks & Dip




Featured Entrée

French Toast Sticks & Sausage

Alternate Choice

Pretzel & Cheese Sauce

Side Selections           

Sweet Potato Fries

Broccoli & Cheese



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:





Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!  You can check the TV screens or the lists posted on the walls. You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


Today is the day ~last chance to get your presale Halloween Dance tickets and get in to the dance during Knight Time TOMORROW. If you want pizza and soda, you have to buy your ticket today~6 CODE cards or $5. We want to see YOU there!!!'


Attention Newton Fantasy Footballers- Due to Scheduling Conflicts we will not meet this week.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5th when we will award 3 WEEKS OF PRIZES!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions and don't forget to update your rosters for bye weeks!!


Students who get dropped off in the west lot in the morning ---- Please make sure you have all of your belongings gathered up and are ready to get out of your vehicle as soon as it stops. With cold weather coming we will have many more cars in that lot and need to make sure it moves quickly to avoid traffic jams on Colorado Blvd.


8th Graders – Nov 5th is the HHS showcase Night and Nov 6th is the AHS Freshman Showcase. Please check our website or the high school website for details.


Don’t forget we have to turn our clocks back 1 hour this weekend!


October 29, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Chicken Alfredo                                                                                             

Alternate Choice

Bean & Cheese Burrito

Side Selections

Tossed Salad

Green Beans



Featured Entrée

Mandarin Orange Chicken Rice Bowl

Alternate Choice


Side Selections           


Celery Sticks & Dip




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:





Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!  You can check the TV screens or the lists posted on the walls. You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


Today and tomorrow are the LAST days you can buy tickets for the Halloween Dance if you want pizza and soda (only students who buy tickets ahead of time will get food). Bring your CODE cards or $5 for a ticket in with pizza and soda or $3 just to get in the door!!" There will be gluten free pizza available from Pizza Doodle for those with allergies.


Attention Newton Fantasy Footballers- Due to Scheduling Conflicts we will not meet this week.  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 5th when we will award 3 WEEKS OF PRIZES!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions and don't forget to update your rosters for bye weeks!!


Students who get dropped off in the west lot in the morning ---- Please make sure you have all of your belongings gathered up and are ready to get out of your vehicle as soon as it stops. With cold weather coming we will have many more cars in that lot and need to make sure it moves quickly to avoid traffic jams on Colorado Blvd.


October 28, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule



Featured Entrée


Alternate Choice

Chicken Fajita Wrap

Side Selections

Tossed Sald

Three Bean Salad




Featured Entrée

Chicken Alfredo

Alternate Choice

Bean & Cheese Burrito

Side Selections           

Tossed Salad

Green Beans




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:





Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!  You can check the TV screens or the lists posted on the walls. You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


"6 CODE cards gets you into the dance and a slice of pizza and soda. Bring those CODE cards to lunch today!!!"


Students who get dropped off in the west lot in the morning ---- Please make sure you have all of your belongings gathered up and are ready to get out of your vehicle as soon as it stops. With cold weather coming we will have many more cars in that lot and need to make sure it moves quickly to avoid traffic jams on Colorado Blvd.


October 25, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Chicken Fried Steak                                                                                        

Alternate Choice

Sloppy Joe

Side Selections

Green Beans

Carrot Sticks and Dip




Featured Entrée

Alternate Choice

Side Selections           


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




"See you all on Sunday at  the STRIDE! Don't miss it ~Mr. Wyckhuyse will be wearing his infamous penguin outfit and Ms. Plegge and Ms. Gardner will have tutus on!!!"


"Bring your CODE cards and money to lunch today to buy your ticket for the Halloween Dance!! 6 CODE cards  gets you in during Knight Time AND pizza and soda!!! $3 gets you in and $5 gets you in with pizza and soda!"


Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!




October 24, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Turkey Wrap                                                                                      

Alternate Choice

Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl

Side Selections


Cucumbers and Dip




Featured Entrée

Chicken Fried Steak

Alternate Choice

Sloppy Joe

Side Selections           

Green Beans

Carrot Sticks and Dip



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




"Bring your sweet dance moves and your best costume to the Halloween dance ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! Tickets on sale at lunch TODAY ~bring 6 CODE cards or your money to get your ticket!!!"


"Newton Knights ~show us your Newton Spirit tomorrow~ WEAR YOUR RED, WHITE, AND BLACK!!"


Goggles  Goggles  Goggles – All 8th grade science students and all of Ms. May’s students need goggles TODAY & TOMORROW


Fantasy Football Club has been cancelled because Mr. Atherton is out today.  We will me next Tuesday, October 29th.  See Mr. Atherton with questions.



Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


October 23, 2013 - LATE START Schedule



Featured Entrée

Top your own Baked Potato                                                                                       

Alternate Choice

Chicken Pattie Sandwich

Side Selections






Featured Entrée

Turkey Wrap

Alternate Choice

Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl

Side Selections           


Cucumbers and Dip



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:



"TICKETS FOR SALE!!!! Bring your 6 CODE cards to lunch~you will not only get into the Halloween Dance next week Thurs, you will also get pizza and soda!! Not enough CODE cards~$3 will get you into the dance and $5 will get you in with pizza and soda. The dance runs during Knight Time until 4:00 but only kids who buy their tickets early will get out of Knight Time to go!!"


"STRIDE is THIS Sunday!!! Bring your friends and families out to run or walk!!"



Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


October 22, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Pepperoni Pizza Pocket                                                                                               

Alternate Choice

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Side Selections

Three Bean Salad

Broccoli & Dip

Pudding & Toppings




Featured Entrée

Top your own Baked Potato

Alternate Choice

Chicken Pattie Sandwich

Side Selections           





Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:



"The Halloween Dance is a week from Thursday~tickets go on sale during LUNCHES starting tomorrow!! Bring either 6 CODE cards or $3 to lunch for your ticket into the dance OR bring $5 to get into the dance AND get pizza and soda. Tickets will be on sale every day at lunch until next Wed. DON'T MISS OUT!!!"


Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


October 21, 2013 - ODD Day Schedule



Featured Entrée


Alternate Choice

Sub Sandwich

Side Selections

Tossed Salad

Sweet Potato Fries




Featured Entrée

Pepperoni Pizza Pocket

Alternate Choice

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Side Selections           

Three Bean Salad

Broccoli & Dip

Pudding & Toppings




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:



This week's Talking Hands Club is re-scheduled for this Tuesday the 22nd in room 307. All grade levels are welcome to come and learn some sign language, culture, and play a game to test your skills!


Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!




October 16, 2013 - ALL Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy                                                                                      

Alternate Choice


Side Selections           

Baked Beans

Broccoli and Cheese

Pudding and Toppings



Featured Entrée

Alternate Choice

Side Selections           



Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


JAMBA JUICE! This is the last week the PE department will be selling Jamba Juice until spring.  Please come enjoy a treat TODAY after school in front of the main entrance of the school.  Same prices $2 and $4 same flavors. Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. As always – you must enjoy them outside!


8th grade track girls: Please come to Ms. Ogilby's room in 201 if you participated in the city track meet to pick up your ribbons. You also need to turn in your washed jerseys to Ms. Ogilby or Mr. Worsley or you will be charged a replacement fee.


Attention all 7th grade girls!  It is still NOT too late to join Newton's basketball team.  Just show up on Monday morning at 7 am for our next practice.  See Mr. Worsley, or Ms. Krikke, if you have any questions. 


No School Tomorrow or Friday – Have a great long weekend!


October 15, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée

Mac and Cheese                                                                                             

Alternate Choice

Chicken Pattie Sandwich

Side Selections           

Tossed Salad

Green Beans

Tomatoes and Dip



Featured Entrée

Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy                                                                                      

Alternate Choice


Side Selections           

Baked Beans

Broccoli and Cheese

Pudding and Toppings




Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




Students – Please make sure you are checking you Knight Time classes EVERYDAY!   You do not always go to the same class from week to week.  If you receive a pass to another teacher during KT you MUST check in with your KT teacher FIRST!


JAMBA JUICE! This is the last week the PE department will be selling Jamba Juice until spring.  Please come enjoy a treat TOMORROW after school in front of the main entrance of the school.  Same prices $2 and $4 same flavors. Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. As always – you must enjoy them outside!


Attention Fantasy Footballers, we are meeting today, that's Tuesday at 3:00 in Mr. Atherton's room for our weekly meeting, see Mr. A with questions.


8th grade track girls: Please come to Ms. Ogilby's room in 201 if you participated in the city track meet to pick up your ribbons. You also need to turn in your washed jerseys to Ms. Ogilby or Mr. Worsley or you will be charged a replacement fee.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...