
January 18, 2013 - EVEN Day Schedule


Today                                                                         Tomorrow

Beef Strips with Mashed Potatoes

Ravioli with Meatballs

PBJ or Egg Salad Sandwich

Salad                                                          Salad                                                          


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:




8th Graders, don't forget that 8th grade yearbook baby ads MUST be in by February 1st. Flyers are posted outside of room 204 and in the office.


Don’t forget – If you are a 6th or 7th grader Open enrolled to Newton – your parents must submit an Intent to Renew form to the office for next year in order for you to return to Newton next year.


WEB leaders:  Don't forget to bring your supplies for today's activity with 6th graders!  


Doodle for Google 2013 is open for submission.


Doodle 4 Google is an annual contest that invites students in the United States to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google’s homepage logo for millions to see. Fifty state finalists will get an all-expense-paid trip to New York City for a final awards ceremony. One lucky student artist will see their artwork appear on the Google homepage, receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant for their school.

This year’s theme:  “My Best Day Ever…”Breakdancing with aliens? Sure! Building a fortress of candy? Okay by us! Riding to school on a brontosaurus? You get the idea


All entries must be received by March 22, 2013


If you would like to enter, please see Mrs. Gragg in 603.  All entry forms require a parent or guardian signature.









Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...