Turkey with Mashed Potatoes
Pretzel with cheese
Popcorn chicken
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
If you have left any artwork in the art room, please pick it up by the end of today.
Ok, 6th and 7th grade! You've been very patient. Those who purchased yearbooks will be receiving them during lunch today. Signature pens will be available for $1.00 apiece.
Students – we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!
8th Graders – please remind your parents that parking at Newton is VERY limited for Continuation tomorrow – remind them that they can park at the Salvation Army Church (corner of Arapahoe & Colo Blvd) or Church of Christ (Colo Blvd just North of Newton) AND TO ALLOW A LOT OF EXTRA TIME in case they have to park a distance from the school so that they are not late! THERE IS NO PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE OF NEWTON!