
May 17, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule

Popcorn chicken


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


If you have left any artwork in the art room, please pick it up by the end of today.

All 8th grade volleyball players please meet in room 108  at lunch in order to journey to our super secret end of season celebration location.  If you paid $3 your lunch will be provided, if you didn't pay but would like to join in the celebration, please bring your lunch with you to room 108, and there is still time to return your jersey prior to being charged.

There are a few yearbooks still available for sale. If you would like to purchase one of the remaining 20 books, you need to bring $35.00, cash only, to Mr. Cohen's class. These last books will be sold on a first come, first served basis. 


May 16, 2012 - Wednesday Schedule

Turkey with Mashed Potatoes
Pretzel with cheese

Popcorn chicken

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

If you have left any artwork in the art room, please pick it up by the end of today.

Ok, 6th and 7th grade! You've been very patient. Those who purchased yearbooks will be receiving them during lunch today. Signature pens will be available for $1.00 apiece.

Students – we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!

8th Graders – please remind your parents that parking at Newton is VERY limited for Continuation tomorrow – remind them that they can park at the Salvation Army Church (corner of Arapahoe & Colo Blvd) or Church of  Christ (Colo Blvd just North of Newton) AND TO ALLOW A LOT OF EXTRA TIME in case they have to park a distance from the school so that they are not late! THERE IS NO PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE OF NEWTON!


May 15, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Turkey with Mashed Potatoes
Pretzel with cheese

Popcorn chicken

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

It's yearbook day for 8th Grade! Your books will be handed out today after Run with the Knights. Bring an extra buck or two to buy a signature pen!

Students – we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!


May 14, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Tuna Sandwich

Hot Dog
Mandarin Chicken Rice Bowl

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"The Rockin' Club of Babes Dinner Party is today. We'll be cooking after school until 5:00, when our dinner starts, so plan to stay here to prepare for the party!!"

Tomorrow is the big day, 8th graders! Capping off what is to be the best Run with the Knights yet, you will get your yearbooks before everybody else. No worries, 6th and 7th grade, your books are coming during lunch on Wednesday. Don't forget to bring a dollar for a signature pen.

Students – we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!


May 11, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


Grilled Cheese Sandwich


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"The Rockin' Club of Babes Dinner Party is next  Monday. Remember to bring in your food items to Ms. Burns this week if you haven't already. We'll be cooking after school Monday until 5:00, when our dinner starts, so plan to stay here to prepare for the party!!"

Any 7th grader who applied to be a WEB leader needs to meet in the mini theater today during homeroom.  Please check in with your homeroom teacher first, and then report to the mini theater.

Your 2011-2012 Yearbooks are here and they are AWESOME!! 8th Grade, you will get your books before everyone else when your yearbooks are distributed after Run with the Knights on Tuesday. 6th and 7th grade, your books will be handed out during lunch on Wednesday. The yearbook staff will be selling signature pens for $1.00 each at all distributions!

Thank you to all of you who applied to be an Electronic Publishing Staff Member for next year! The EPub class will focus on creating our newly titled yearbook, The Blazon. The Blazon Staff list for 2012-2013 is posted outside of Mr. Cohen's room (311).

Students – next week we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!


May 10, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule


Pork Medallions with Gravy

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

The book fair family night is this evening from 4-7. Bring your family and stock up for summer reading!

"The Rockin' Club of Babes Dinner Party is next Monday. Remember to bring in your food items to Ms. Burns this week if you haven't already. We'll be cooking after school Monday until 5:00, when our dinner starts, so plan to stay here to prepare for the party!!"

Students – next week we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!

Any 7th grader who applied to be a WEB leader needs to meet in the mini theater on Friday during homeroom.  Please check in with your homeroom teacher first, and then report to the mini theater.

Attention all 8th grade volleyball players-please turn in your missing jerseys and money for our lunch time pizza party. If your jersey's are not returned, please be aware you will have to pay for a replacement.


May 9, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Chicken Patty on a Bun
Colorado Bakes Potato

Pork Medallions with Gravy

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


8th Graders attending Arapahoe High School next year, if you are interested in applying for a staff position on either the Herald Newspaper or Calumet Yearbook, please come by Mr. Cohen's room, 311, to pick up an application. Being a staff member on Newton's yearbook is NOT a requirement to apply.

"The Rockin' Club of Babes Dinner Party is next Monday. Remember to bring in your food items to Ms. Burns this week if you haven't already. We'll be cooking after school Monday until 5:00, when our dinner starts, so plan to stay here to prepare for the party!!"

Students – next week we are on a Wednesday schedule ALL week!


May 8, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


Turkey Wrap
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl

Chicken Patty on a Bun
Colorado Bakes Potato

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


8th Graders attending Arapahoe High School next year, if you are interested in applying for a staff position on either the Herald Newspaper or Calumet Yearbook, please come by Mr. Cohen's room, 311, to pick up an application. Being a staff member on Newton's yearbook is NOT a requirement to apply.


May 7, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule


Sub Sandwich
Turkey Wrap
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


"The Rockin' Club of Babes will be meeting today in the art room after school and making flower jewelry rings. Ladies, don't forget to bring your food items for the dinner celebration.

8th Graders attending Arapahoe High School next year, if you are interested in applying for a staff position on either the Herald Newspaper or Calumet Yearbook, please come by Mr. Cohen's room, 311, to pick up an application. Being a staff member on Newton's yearbook is NOT a requirement to apply.


May 4, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


Chicken Patty on a Bun
Mac & Cheese


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Attention all 7th grade students.  Don't forget to bring in your Project Cure medical kits this week if you are filling one.  So far, we have five kits filled.  If you are looking for a cheap place to get what is needed, head to the dollar store.  If you did not get a kit and want to fill one, stop by Mrs. Mack's room and pick one up.  You can turn your completed kits into Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Mack or Mrs. Svigel any time this week or next.  Staff members who are interested can see one of us as well. It is something we can easily do to make a change in our world.

"The Rockin' Club of Babes will be meeting on Monday in the art room after school and making flower jewelry rings. Ladies, don't forget to bring your food items for the dinner celebration with you on Monday!!"

We had four Newton Middle School winners for the Immigrant Essay Contest. Each winner won a gift card to Barnes and Noble: Cecelia D took 1st, Mikayla W 2nd, Kat A in 3rd, and Aspen S in 4th. Also, CeCe will present her essay at the CCRW luncheon in June. Congratulations ladies!


May 3, 2012 - ODD Day Schedule


Pig in a Blanket
Turkey, Apple & Cheddar Sandwich

Chicken Patty on a Bun
Mac & Cheese

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


All 8th grade Volleyball players please turn in your washed jersey's and $3 to Mrs. Mack or Ms. Timinski by tomorrow so we can have our end of the year celebration next week.

Attention all 7th grade students.  Don't forget to bring in your Project Cure medical kits this week if you are filling one.  So far, we have five kits filled.  If you are looking for a cheap place to get what is needed, head to the dollar store.  If you did not get a kit and want to fill one, stop by Mrs. Mack's room and pick one up.  You can turn your completed kits into Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Mack or Mrs. Svigel any time this week or next.  Staff members who are interested can see one of us as well. It is something we can easily do to make a change in our world.

"The Rockin' Club of Babes will be meeting on Monday in the art room after school and making flower jewelry rings. Ladies, don't forget to bring your food items for the dinner celebration with you on Monday!!"


May 2, 2012 - Late Start Schedule


Broccoli/Chicken Cheese Casserole
French Toast Sticks

Pig in a Blanket
Turkey, Apple & Cheddar Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention student council students: The last student council meeting is today. Please come to the last meeting to celebrate on May 2nd from 3-4 in the Art room.

All 8th grade Volleyball players please turn in your washed jersey's and $3 to Mrs. Mack or Ms. Timinski by Friday so we can have our end of the year celebration on next week.

Attention all 7th grade students.  Don't forget to bring in your Project Cure medical kits this week if you are filling one.  So far, we have five kits filled.  If you are looking for a cheap place to get what is needed, head to the dollar store.  If you did not get a kit and want to fill one, stop by Mrs. Mack's room and pick one up.  You can turn your completed kits into Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Mack or Mrs. Svigel any time this week or next.  Staff members who are interested can see one of us as well. It is something we can easily do to make a change in our world.


May 1, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


Turkey Roast with mashed potatoes

Broccoli/Chicken Cheese Casserole
French Toast Sticks

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Hey 8th graders the challenge is on...The 8th grade vs staff dodgeball game is Thursday, after school in the gym. Think you have what it takes to TRY to beat the teachers? Sign up with Mrs. Jenkins or Mrs. J Andrews. Only the first 50 8th graders, in good standing, will be able to meet the challenge.
6th and 7th grade students-come to cheer on the team you think will win! All students are welcome to attend this event.

"To all 8th grade students who will be attending Littleton High School next year: 
You will have the option during Knight Time today of going to the mini theater to meet with Littleton High School students, who will answer questions you have about LHS. 

Attention student council students: The last student council meeting is tomorrow. Please come to the last meeting to celebrate on May 2nd from 3-4 in the Art room.

Congratulations to all the 8th grade singers who were accepted by audition into the Arapahoe and Littleton High Schools' concert choirs for their freshman year.  This is a prestigious honor, and Newton had a record number of 8th graders accepted by both schools this year - and a lot of GUYS!  Way to go Newton singers!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...