
February 16, 2012 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Popcorn chicken


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Attention 8th Grade Students:
This year’s 8th Grade panoramic picture will be taken on February 23rd!  Homeroom teachers will be handing out a flyer with ordering information.  Don’t miss out on getting your picture taken or ordering.  The panoramic picture can be ordered on-line as well. 

Attention 8th grade boys basketball players-  Here is the schedule for the rest of this week
Today- A and C team will practice after school
See Mr. Atherton with questions or concerns

There will be a short information meeting on February 21st in room 108 for any 8th grade girls interested in playing volleyball this spring.  The meeting will last approximately 15 minutes please make sure you arrange for transportation home.  If you are interested and can't make the meeting see Mrs. Mack or Ms. Timinski for information

Attention all 7th grade basketball players.  Please return your washed jerseys to Mr. Worsley (Room 307) or Mr. Franklin (Room 204) by Friday, February 24th.  If you do not return it by then, you will receive a bill for the cost.  Thank you.

Schedule for this week
TODAY is a Wednesday schedule
Tomorrow – NO SCHOOL
Next week
Monday – NO SCHOOL
Tuesday is an ODD day
Wed is an EVEN day
Thurs is an ODD Day
Fri is an EVEN day

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...