
January 31, 2012 - EVEN Day Schedule


Turkey Roast with Mashed Potatoes

Broccoli Chicken Cheese Casserole
French Toast Sticks

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
8th GRADERS – please make sure you are checking our website and the website of the HS you are planning on attending for important HS dates you need to know!

All Brain Bowl Participants MUST check in with Ms. Mikkelsen during Knight Time today in order to participate in this weekend's Brain Bowl at Heritage High School.

Congratulations to the 7th Grade Boy's  Basketball "B" team, who beat Goddard last night, 38 - 28.  The game was won with hustle, good defense, and overall good teamwork.  The 7th Grade Boy's "A" team also played hard, keeping it close for 3 Quarters, but ended up losing a tough game.  Our next, and last, game will be here at Newton, next Tuesday night.  Come on out and support your teams!

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players: Here is the schedule for this week:
Today- Practice for B anc C Teams only
Wednesday- No Practice
Thursday- Games at Goddard;  Meet at the east doors at 3:00 dressed in red jerseys and ready to go!!
As always, see Mr. Atherton with questions...

Attention Hockey Players and Fans!
Saturday February 11 is Middle School night at the Heritage High School Varsity Hockey game.  We want to see hockey players and fans from all the LPS middle schools come out and support the team as we take on Air Academy in our last regular season home game.  Admission for middle school kids is free and half price for your parents.  The game starts at 8:30 PM at South Suburban Ice Rink located 6580 S Vine St., Centennial, CO 80121. 
 Come out have some fun, win some prizes and see a great game!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...