
December 2, 2011 EVEN Day Schedule


Grilled Cheese Sandwiches


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
8th GRADERS – please make sure you are checking our website and the website of the HS you are planning on attending for important HS dates you need to know!


“Attention any wrestlers that participated in the district finals, please see Mr. Goodreau sometime soon to get your ribbons.  Also, do not forget to hand in your washed singlet into Mr. Goodreau or Mr. Atherton.  If you do not return your singlet before we leave for winter break, you will be charged $25 for a replacement.  Thank you.”

Attention 8th grade Boys: 8th grade boys basketball tryouts for the 2012 season will start on Monday, December 5th after school in the gym.  Please see Mr. Atherton if you were not at the interest meeting or have questions!!

"The Rockin' Club of Babes will be meeting on Monday to continue working on our giving projects. As always, we'll have snacks and music. All ladies are welcome!!"

Are you ready to participate in the Newton Spelling Bee and have a chance at competing at the district and regional levels? If so, sign up for the Spelling Bee Knight Time. We will be meeting during Knight Time on Tuesdays to practice and learn. Those in the Knight Time class will automatically be qualified for the school spelling bee in February. Those who can't be in the class will still have an opportunity to qualify through a written test.
Please sign up with your Language Arts teacher or on the form outside room 311 by the end of Friday  if you want to be a part of this Knight Time

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...