
November 9, 2011 - LATE START Schedule


Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Cheese Quesadilla
Hot dog
Mandarin Orange Chicken

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:
8th GRADERS – please make sure you are checking our website and the website of the HS you are planning on attending for important HS dates you need to know!

Attention Students: Friday is Veterans and this year Newton is taking a Veterans Day celebration to two assisted living homes for older veterans.  Please sign one of the banners in the cafeteria during lunch from Monday until Thursday for us to take on Friday for the celebrations.

Dance club is cancelled for today but will meet in the cave tomorrow!

Art club will not be meeting today

“Today is the last day to purchase tickets for the November 20th Colorado Avalanche game and have guaranteed seating with your fellow Newton Knights! Each ticket purchased supports Newton, puts us in better seats, and give us a chance to have some pre-game ice time! To order, click the link on Newton’s home page.”

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...