
Wednesday, August 31, 2022 PLC ODD Day Schedule

 Daily Announcements

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

PLC ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

This is a message for NJHS members - please complete the order form in our NJHS classroom that you joined in the spring - the deadline is Wednesday.  If you have any questions, please email or visit Ms. Omdahl in the 6th grade pod. Thanks. 

Students are you interested in helping to plan events, lead school spirit and participate in the school vision? Or do you like organizing and planning? If that sounds like you please fill out the Student Council Interest form in your Grade Level Google Classroom! Anyone can join~ We will be starting soon! Questions? See Mrs. Jenkins in 1133.




Tuesday, August 30, 2022 EVEN Day Schedule

 Daily Announcements

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

EVEN Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held today and tomorrow Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!

This is a message for NJHS members - please complete the order form in our NJHS classroom that you joined in the spring - the deadline is Wednesday.  If you have any questions, please email or visit Ms. Omdahl in the 6th grade pod. Thanks. 




Monday, August 29, 2022 ODD Day Schedule

 Daily Announcements

Monday, August 29, 2022

ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Today is the day if you are interested in working behind the scenes for the play Willy Wonka.   Join us in the art room right after school.  The meeting will not last long, so please make sure you have a ride home!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Andrews.

Attention 7th graders interested in going out for track - Ms. Perkins and Mr. Wilmes will be in the lunch room TODAY with all of the information you need. Practice starts next Tuesday!

We hope you are enjoying the Kickball Tournament currently taking place during Homerooms... Today, we have a battle between Mrs. Seavall's homeroom and Mr. Braun's homeroom.  And in 8th grade, the web students will face off with Mr. Wood v. Mrs. Bartoszek!  Good luck to all of you today!




Friday, August 26, 2022 EVEN Day Schedule

 Daily Announcements

Friday, August 26, 2022

EVEN Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Hey Newton Designers and Techie - put in your planner to join us Monday afterschool for a short meeting about the backstage workings for Willy Wonka.  Come to the art room right after school.  The meeting will be short, so please make sure you have a ride home that day. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Andrews.

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!

New playground rule:  We have new soccer goals provided by Littleton soccer.  Do NOT climb on the net or poles!

Attention 7th graders interested in going out for track - Ms. Perkins and Mr. Wilmes will be in the lunch room next Monday with all of the information you need. Practice starts next Tuesday!




Thursday, August 25, 2022 Odd Day Schedule

                                                       Daily Announcements

Thursday, August 25, 2022

ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Remember, if you are interested in working behind the scenes for Willy Wonka, join us Monday the 29th. We will meet in the art room right after school for a half an hour, so please make sure you have a ride home.  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Andrews.

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!

New playground rule:  We have new soccer goals provided by Littleton soccer.  Do NOT climb on the net or poles!

Attention students planning to audition for the musical tonight.  We do not have late busses so you need to arrange a ride for tonight.  If you need to make a phone call or contact a parent, please come to the office now.




Wednesday, August 24, 2022 Late Start EVEN Schedule

 Daily Announcements

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

PLC EVEN Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Interested in auditioning for Newton's musical, Willy Wonka? Auditions start on Monday and finish next Friday, so go sign up for a time outside the choir room! Make sure you join the Google Classroom too for important audition materials. If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Newman.

Hey Newton Designers and Techies - Please join us Monday afterschool for a short meeting about the backstage workings for Willy Wonka.  Come to the art room right after school.  The meeting will be short, so please make sure you have a ride home that day.  Also, please get onto the google classroom for the play and fill out the application form!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Andrews.

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!




Tuesday, August 23, 2022 EVEN Day

                                                         Daily Announcements

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

EVEN Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Interested in auditioning for Newton's musical, Willy Wonka? Auditions start on Monday and finish next Friday, so go sign up for a time outside the choir room! Make sure you join the Google Classroom too for important audition materials. If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Newman.

Hey Newton, Are you interested in working behind the scenes for the play Willy Wonka?  Please join us Monday the 29th in the art room right after school.  The meeting will be short, so please make sure you have a ride home that day.  Also, please get onto the google classroom for the play and fill out the application form!  If you have any questions, please see Ms. Andrews.

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!

Attention 7th and 8th grade track participants!  We will NOT have track practice on Thursday due to back to school night!  We will have our first practice on Monday!




                                                        Daily Announcements

Monday, August 22, 2022

ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Interested in auditioning for Newton's musical, Willy Wonka? Auditions start on Monday and finish next Friday, so go sign up for a time outside the choir room! Make sure you join the Google Classroom too for important audition materials. If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Newman.

Do you play bass, piano or electric guitar? Do you want to improve your musical skills? Then audition for jazz band! Jazz band audition music is posted in Mrs Bransgrove’s room. Auditions will be held next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stop by and look at the music and talk to Mrs Bransgrove about auditioning!



Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...