
Friday, April 29 Announcements

                                       Daily Announcements

       Friday, April 29, 2022

        EVEN Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Attention 6th and 7th grade students!!  If you are interested in being an office, library, classroom assistant or connections student for next school year, you HAVE to fill out the google form in your grade level google classroom.  This is due by the end of the day on Friday April 29.


8th grade NJHS members - your April service hours are due Monday, May 2nd.


Attention all sTEm students who have unfinished sheet metal projects from earlier this year. Mr. Finer will be holding two after school sessions where you can come in and finish them up. They will be next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 3rd and 4th. You do not need to sign up, just show up and make sure you are wearing proper shoes.


This week the 8th Grade Lady Knights took on Powell in the district semi-finals at Newton.  

On Tuesday night, the Newton C team battled with the Powell C team in 3 very close games. Allison P, Haley K, and Olivia H lead the Knights with their powerful serves.  Ultimately the momentum from the first game wasn't enough and Powell was able to eke out a win 21-25, 25-21, 17-15.

A and B teams battled for their spots in the tournament on Thursday night.  A team took on Powell in the first match of the evening.  The serving of Kinsey C, Julia H, Sophia P, Kate H, and Ellie C kept the points rolling in leading to a 25-23, 15-25, 13-15 victory for the Knights.

B Team finished the night by winning the final match 2 games to 1.  Riley I and Charlotte M's decisive serving kept the points rolling in and the floor play of the team kept the Pumas on their toes. 

Congratulations to the Knights for an exciting start to tournament week. 

Saturday, the Newton Lady Knights' Volleyball will compete in the district tournament at Powell. 
C Team arrive at 9:30am for your 10:00 am match 
B Team arrive at 1:30am for your 2:00 pm match against Goddard
A Team arrive at 2:30 pm for your 3:00 pm match against Goddard

Remember to bring a change of clothes so you can turn in your uniforms and $3 for our end of season pizza party

For the finals on Saturday, April 30, the rear gym doors at Powell will be open by 8:30. Please use the driveway beside the bus loop and park on the blacktop basketball courts. Wheelchair access is possible from the court driveway via sidewalks to the rear gym doors. Tournament play will try to stick to games beginning at the top of the hour but be aware that longer matches could cause delays. Players please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled match.  




Thursday April 28 Announcement

                                       Daily Announcements

       Thursday, April 28, 2022

        ODD Day  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Attention 6th and 7th grade students!!  If you are interested in being an office, library, classroom assistant or connections student for next school year, you HAVE to fill out the google form in your grade level google classroom.  This is due by the end of the day on Friday April 29.






Wednesday, April 13, 2022 EVEN Day Test Schedule

 Attention 6th and 7th Graders:  The Deadline for Yearbook Applications is This Friday, April 15th. Applications can be found on the 6th and 7th grade Google Classrooms.  Make sure to ask your LA teacher and one other teacher for recommendations before you apply.  See or contact Mr. Atherton with questions.


Tuesday, April12, 2022 EVEN Day CMAS Test Schedule

 Hey Newton!  The No Name Club meets today in the art room after school.  Come hang out with your friends, eat snacks, play games, dance and make art!  Please talk to Ms. Andrews if you have any questions!

Attention GT students: Mr. Wood has shared an end of year survey that needs to be completed as soon as possible. Please access this survey on the GT Google Classroom when you have 5-10 minutes to reflect on your goals. As an incentive, you may not need to meet with Mr. Wood if you complete this thoughtfully! Thank you.


Monday, April 11,2022 ODD DAY CMAS TEST SCHEDULE

 Attention 6th graders! Are you interested in learning how to bump, set, and spike? Do you want to enjoy playing a fun sport with your friends? If so, then volleyball intramurals is for you! 6th grade co-ed volleyball will start next week. There will be information and sign ups during your lunch period TODAY. Practices will begin on TOMORROW morning at 7:45 in the gym.

Attention GT students: Mr. Wood has shared an end of year survey that needs to be completed as soon as possible. Please access this survey on the GT Google Classroom when you have 5-10 minutes to reflect on your goals. As an incentive, you may not need to meet with Mr. Wood if you complete this thoughtfully! Thank you.

All of Newton Middle School participated in the stock market experience including these people who have won! 

Ira T and Daniel W for 1st place in Denver Metro Region

Trey L and Oli F for 3rd place in the Denver Metro Region

Daniel W for 1st place State

Christian B and Jaden S for 2nd place State

Cole T, Jenna S, and Jilly M for 3rd place State.

We know who to invest our money with. Congratulations!!


Friday, April 8, 2022 EVEN Day Schedule

 There will be a mandatory NJHS meeting for 8th graders at lunch in Ms. Omdahl's room this TODAY.  Please make sure to wear your t-shirt and bring a sack lunch.  Thank you for your service, leadership and all your hard work on CMAS!  

Attention 6th graders! Are you interested in learning how to bump, set, and spike? Do you want to enjoy playing a fun sport with your friends? If so, then volleyball intramurals is for you! 6th grade co-ed volleyball will start next week. There will be information and sign ups during your lunch period on Monday. Practices will begin on Tuesday morning at 7:45 in the gym.

Attention GT students: Mr. Wood has shared an end of year survey that needs to be completed as soon as possible. Please access this survey on the GT Google Classroom when you have 5-10 minutes to reflect on your goals. As an incentive, you may not need to meet with Mr. Wood if you complete this thoughtfully! Thank you.


Monday, April 4,2022 CMAS Test Schedule

 Hey Newton!  The No Name Club meets in the art room after school on Tues.  Come hang out with your friends, eat snacks, play games, dance, and make art!  Please talk to Ms. Andrews if you have any questions!


Friday, April 1, 2022 EVEN Day Schedule

 7th graders, if you are interested in joining NJHS next year and have at least a 3.5 GPA, you have been invited to participate via your grade level Google Classroom.  The deadline is Monday, April 4th.  NJHS is an optional, year long service club.  If you have questions, please see Ms. Omdahl. 


CMAS testing starts next week, please make sure your chrome books are fully charged every day. ALSO - Make sure you have a book to bring with you everyday, the library will not be open during testing to check one out.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...