
Thursday/Friday Oct 29th & 30th EVEN Day Schedule

 8th grade students and Parents --- Please start watching high school websites for virtual visit notifications and signup links.

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. 

The Yearbook Staff would like you to take a student-only survey posted on your grade level Google Classroom asking about your favorite types of music, Halloween plans, your pets, personal fashion, and much more. You can take this survey anytime before or after school. Or check with your Homeroom teacher to see if it’s okay for you to take it then. We want to give every student a voice and hear your opinion!

Newton Spirit Week 

Thursday/Friday:  Halloween Costumes and Trick or Treating*

*Students will be able to engage in socially distanced trick or treating during their passing periods.  Swag and pre-packaged snacks will be provided by the PTO*


Monday/Tuesday Oct 26th/27th ODD Day Schedule

 8th grade students and Parents --- Please start watching high school websites for virtual visit notifications and signup links.

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. 

Newton Spirit Week 

Monday/Tuesday: Newton Knights Gear

Wednesday: Virtual Fan Day

Thursday/Friday:  Halloween Costumes and Trick or Treating*

*Students will be able to engage in socially distanced trick or treating during their passing periods.  Swag and pre-packaged snacks will be provided by the PTO*


Oct 22nd/23rd Thursday/Friday EVEN Day Schedule

 8th grade students and Parents --- Please start watching high school websites for virtual visit notifications and signup links.

TODAY during your lunch time you may put as many CODE cards as you wish into a raffle bucket. We will randomly draw 20 names to come up and choose a treat. Make sure your FIRST and LAST name are on the cards you put into the bucket.

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. 

Newton Spirit Week 

Monday/Tuesday: Newton Knights Gear

Wednesday: Virtual Fan Day

Thursday/Friday:  Halloween Costumes and Trick or Treating*

*Students will be able to engage in socially distanced trick or treating during their passing periods.  Swag and pre-packaged snacks will be provided by the PTO*

Tuesday/Wednesday Oct 20th/21st ODD Day Schedule

 8th grade students and Parents --- Please start watching high school websites for virtual visit notifications and signup links.

THIS FRIDAY during your lunch time, make sure to take your CODE cards to the cafeteria. You may put as many cards as you want into a raffle. We will draw 20 names to come up and pick from a variety of fabulous treats. Your FIRST and LAST name must be written on your CODE cards.

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. 


Monday/Tuesday Oct 12th/13th ODD Day Schedule

 A-K Students ------- Remember that you have an IN-PERSON Day on Wednesday, Oct 21st since you are off on the 19th. It is an EVEN day

Picture retake order forms are available in the office for those students that were not here to get school pictures taken at the beginning of October. Retake day is Oct 14th from 3-5pm

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include you in our yearbook, so we need your help! We’re looking for photos from your summer and out-of-school activities. Did you go to the mountains or the beach? Are you into skateboarding or soccer? Any Summer or After-School activities will be considered. Look at the flyer you were given in homeroom or look on the Newton website for how to upload a photo.

LHS Eighth grade virtual information session

Hello current 8th grade families. We are pleased to invite you to join us for a virtual Littleton High School information session. Hear from our administration, learn about life and academics at LHS, and have your questions answered by some of our staff and students. 


We will be offering these 45 minute sessions on the following dates for students and their parents:


Wednesday, October 14th 10:00 am

Tuesday, October 27th 1:00 pm

Thursday, October 29th 12:00 pm

Wednesday, November 4th 12:30

Go to the LHS website to sign up!

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. Forms will be available on the district website on Oct 1st.

NO SCHOOL ON THURSDAY (15th)  FRIDAY (16th) or  MONDAY (19th)


Thursday/Friday Oct 8/9 EVEN Day Schedule

 Picture retake order forms are available in the office for those students that were not here to get school pictures taken at the beginning of October. Retake day is Oct 14th from 3-5pm

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include you in our yearbook, so we need your help! We’re looking for photos from your summer and out-of-school activities. Did you go to the mountains or the beach? Are you into skateboarding or soccer? Any Summer or After-School activities will be considered. Look at the flyer you were given in homeroom or look on the Newton website for how to upload a photo.

LHS Eighth grade virtual information session

Hello current 8th grade families. We are pleased to invite you to join us for a virtual Littleton High School information session. Hear from our administration, learn about life and academics at LHS, and have your questions answered by some of our staff and students. 


We will be offering these 45 minute sessions on the following dates for students and their parents:


Wednesday, October 14th 10:00 am

Tuesday, October 27th 1:00 pm

Thursday, October 29th 12:00 pm

Wednesday, November 4th 12:30

Go to the LHS website to sign up!

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. Forms will be available on the district website on Oct 1st.


Monday/Tuesday, October 5th/6th ODD Day Schedule

 Students -  Win a Chick fil A lunch !  Do not miss school in person or virtual attendance from Sept 24th - Oct 8th and your name will go in a drawing for a free lunch.  We will draw one name per grade level   

If you have misplaced your badge and need a new one, please come to the office so we can order you a new one.    The cost is $5.00

Picture retake order forms are available in the office for those students that were not here to get school pictures taken at the beginning of October. Retake day is Oct 14th from 3-5pm

Newton’s Yearbook Staff wants to include you in our yearbook, so we need your help! We’re looking for photos from your summer and out-of-school activities. Did you go to the mountains or the beach? Are you into skateboarding or soccer? Any Summer or After-School activities will be considered. Look at the flyer you were given in homeroom or look on the Newton website for how to upload a photo.

LHS Eighth grade virtual information session

Hello current 8th grade families. We are pleased to invite you to join us for a virtual Littleton High School information session. Hear from our administration, learn about life and academics at LHS, and have your questions answered by some of our staff and students. 


We will be offering these 45 minute sessions on the following dates for students and their parents:


Wednesday, October 14th 10:00 am

Tuesday, October 27th 1:00 pm

Thursday, October 29th 12:00 pm

Wednesday, November 4th 12:30

Go to the LHS website to sign up!

6th & 7th grade STUDENTS and PARENTS - If you are open enrolled to Newton you MUST fill out an Intent To Renew form in order to remain at Newton next year. Forms will be available on the district website on Oct 1st.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...