
January 31, 2020 EVEN Day Schedule


This is a reminder for NJHS students that January
service hours are due on Monday.  Thank you for your service. 

8th Graders - you should be watching HS websites for
upcoming registration dates.




There will be a mandatory NJHS meeting today after
school in Ms. Omdahl's room.  Look forward to seeing you then.   

8th graders - you will be getting a picture packet in homeroom
today for your panoramic picture next week.  Please show this
to your parents.


January 27, 2020 ODD Day Schedule


There will be a mandatory NJHS meeting on Wednesday
after school in Ms. Omdahl's room.  Look
forward to seeing you then.  


January 24, 2020 Even Day Schedule


Today the CODE Shack will be open during lunch.
Bring your CODE cards with you to the cafeteria as
you will not be able to go back to your locker to grab
them. You may spend up to 7 cards in exchange for treats. 


January 22, 2020 LATE START EVEN Day Schedule


Join us after school TODAY in the art room for
fingerboard/Lego club.  Hang out, do some kick flips,
ollies, and build with legos!! Please see Ms. Andrews
if you have any questions. 

Student Council is cancelled for today and our next meeting
will be held on Feb 5th!  See you there!


January 21, 2020 ODD Day Schedule


Attention all 8th graders!  Please check your Knight Time
schedule today to see if you will be going straight to the
mini theater for Knight Time.  Half of the 8th graders will be
going today, while the other half will be going this Thursday.
Make sure you check your schedule first! We are excited to
host several high school students that will be sharing their
advice and experiences.  If you are attending today, please
go straight to the mini theater after 7th period, and do not bring
anything with you. Please enter quickly and quietly as we will get
started as soon as the bell rings.
PLEASE check you KT’s carefully today!

Sign Language Club will NOT start today due with hopes of starting next
week instead.  Please listen later this week for more information.

Hey Newton-  The fingerboard club would like to invite friends who want
to build with Legos to join us on Tuesdays afters school in the art room. 
There will be a concrete park in the art room that people can use with
their fingerboards.Join us to hang out, build, and have snacks!  

Tomorrow is a LATE START EVEN Day Schedule



January 16, 2020 ODD Day Schedule


 Do you like to make bracelets and eat snacks? Then join the
No Name Club in the art room after school TODAY.  Please see
Ms. Andrews or Ms. Ubrun if you have any questions... see you there!!

A gigantic congratulations to all of our spelling bee participants!
Coming in 3rd place were Talley D and Devon Q.
2nd place went to Carter S, and after coming in 2nd
place in previous years, Truman W is our school champ!
He will be competing in the district spelling bee in February.
If you see Truman, give him a huge high 5! Congrats!


January 15, 2020 LATE START Schedule


"The school spelling bee is TODAY, starting during
homeroom and continuing after school. Be sure to
congratulate the following participants:
Ben A, Drew B, Ryan B, Lincoln C, Talley D, Luke D,
Riley G, Harrison H, Haley K, Will L, Hudson L, Connor M,
Madeleine M, Devon Q, Frank Q, Lucas R, Madeline R, Cade S,
Carter S, Harlan U, Ruby U, Anthony V, Truman W, Michael W,
and Sierra Y. Spelling Bee participants, please report to your
homeroom and wait for the announcement to come to the mini theater."

This message is for students who signed up for Someren Glen Bingo
- it is TONIGHT from 6:30-7:30 - we will meet in the lobby at 6:25. 
Please make sure to be on time; we will finish on time. Thank
you for your service. 


January 14, 2020 - EVEN Day Schedule


"The school spelling bee is  TOMORROW. Participants
are reminded to invite family members and continue to
review your study guides! We'll start at 3:45 in the mini theater."

Join us after school TODAY in the art room for fingerboard/Lego club.
  Hang out, do some kick flips, ollies, and build with legos!! Please see
Ms. Andrews if you have any questions.    

This message is for students who signed up for Someren Glen Bingo -
it is TOMORROW from 6:30-7:30 - we will meet in the lobby at 6:25.
  Please make sure to be on time; we will finish on time. Thank you
for your service. 


January 13, 2020 ODD Day Schedule


"The school spelling bee is  Wednesday. Participants are reminded
to invite family members and continue to review your study guides!
We'll start at 3:45 in the mini theater."

7th Grade Boys interested in playing basketball.  There will be an
informational meeting TODAY at LUNCH with Mr. Wyckhuyse.  Please
plan on getting your lunch and stopping by the basketball information table. 
Our first practice is at 7:45am tomorrow! This is for all experience and ability levels!

Hey Newton-  The fingerboard club would like to invite friends who want to
build with Legos to join us on Tuesdays afters school in the art room.  Join
us to hang out, build, and have snacks!


January 10, 2020 - EVEN Day Schedule


"The school spelling bee is NEXT Wednesday, January 15. Participants
are reminded to invite family members and continue to review your study
guides! We'll start at 3:45 in the mini theater."

7th Grade Boys interested in playing basketball.  There will be an
informational meeting on Monday Jan 12 at LUNCH with Mr. Wyckhuyse. 
Please plan on getting your lunch and stopping by the basketball
information table next Monday.  Our first practice is at 7:45am next
Tuesday! This is for all experience and ability levels!

Hey Newton-  The fingerboard club would like to invite friends who
want to build with Legos to join us on Tuesdays afters school in the
art room.  Jon us to hang out, build, and have snacks!


January 9, 2020 ODD Day Schedule


If you are in NJHS, please get your service hours to Ms. Omdahl
by Friday. Thank you so much. 

Hey Newton.... Another club hosted by Ms. Andrews and Ms. Ubrun
after school TODAY in the art room. A yet to be named club but come
join us to do crafts, knit, make art, makeup, physical activities, and eat.
Please see Ms. Andrews or Ms. Ubrun if you have any questions. 

"The school spelling bee is NEXT Wednesday, January 15. Participants
are reminded to invite family members and continue to review your study
guides! We'll start at 3:45 in the mini theater."

7th Grade Boys interested in playing basketball.  There will be an
informational meeting on Monday Jan 12 at LUNCH with Mr. Wyckhuyse.
  Please plan on getting your lunch and stopping by the basketball information
table next Monday.  Our first practice is at 7:45am next Tuesday! This is for
all experience and ability levels!

Congratulations to our 8th grade boys basketball team, taking 2 of 3 from Euclid. 
The A team got out to a large lead early and never looked back. The final
was 58-20.  The b team also took off right away and dominated from the get go,
and won 35-7. The c team gave a valiant effort but in the end, Euclid bested us. 
Please come out and watch our teams play again tonight vs Goddard.


January 8, 2020 LATE START EVEN DAY Schedule


If you are in NJHS, please get your service hours to Ms. Omdahl by
Friday. Thank you so much. 

Do you like to make art, do yoga, and play games? Then join our
unnamed club in the art room after school tomorrow.  Please see Ms. Andrews
or Ms. Ubrun if you have any questions... see you there!!

"The school spelling bee is NEXT Wednesday, January 15. Participants are
reminded to invite family members and continue to review your study guides!
We'll start at 3:45 in the mini theater."

8th Grade Boys Basketball... just a reminder that you need your forms and
$30 fee paid today into the office if you want to participate in the basketball
game at Euclid today.  Players that have NOT paid their fees will not be
transported on the bus.

7th Grade Boys interested in playing basketball.  There will be an informational
meeting on Monday Jan 12 at LUNCH with Mr. Wyckhuyse.  Please plan on getting
your lunch and stopping by the basketball information table next Monday . Our
first practice is at 7:45am next Tuesday! This is for all experience and ability levels!

Student Council members, we have a meeting today!  Please bring markers,
colored pencils, and chromebooks!

6th Grade No Place for Hate Students: You will be teaching a lesson today
in Homeroom.  Check your Google Classroom and come see Mrs. Bond if
you have any questions.


8th grade at 9:00 AM
7th grade at 10:30 AM

6th grade at 2:00 PM


January 7, 2020 ODD Day Schedue


Hey Newton....  Another club hosted by Ms. Andrews and Ms. Ubrun
after school on Thursdays in the art room. A yet to be named club but
come join us to do crafts, knit, make art, makeup, physical activities,
and eat. Please see Ms. Andrews or Ms. Ubrun if you have any questions.

Join us after school TODAY in the art room for fingerboard club.  Hang out,
do some kick flips, ollies, and vibe out with the lads!!  Please see Ms. Andrews
if you have any questions.  

STUDENTS & TEACHERS --- We have become very lax in our enforcement
of our drink and food rules.  REMINDER - ONLY water bottles with WATER
in them are allowed in classrooms, this means NO Starbucks!   Also, due to
severe food allergies - no food is allowed in classrooms unless approved by
a principal in advance!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...