
November 30, 2017 - ODd Day Schedule


Come learn to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, at the Yu-Gi-Oh! Club, starting in the art room on Monday, December 4th. Don’t have any cards? No Problem! Loner cards will be provided.  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.

Performing arts club will have our first meeting on Monday, December 11th! We will meet in Ms. Bryan's room, come sign up outside her room or around the halls.
Work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. Just a reminder that we have a dual today. Please see Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins if you have any questions.


November 29, 2017 - LATE START Schedule


Come and try the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Club, starting in the art  room on Monday, December 4th.  Learn how to play, or come challenge other experienced players! Loaner cards will be provided.  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.

Interested in performing arts?
Always wanted to be on stage?
Come to the performing arts club on Mondays and work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Sign up outside of Ms. Bryan's room and around the halls.
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. Just a reminder that we have a dual tomorrow. Please see Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins if you have any questions.

8th grade girls, there is NO basketball practice after school today.

Congratulations to the 8th grade girls finishing off the regular season against Goddard.  Newton was able to keep Goddard scoreless in the last quarter, showing they are ready for the playoffs next week.  Good job and good luck Lady Knights.


November 28, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule


Come learn to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, at the Yu-Gi-Oh! Club, starting in the art room on Monday, December 4th. Don’t have any cards? No Problem! Loner cards will be provided.  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.

Interested in performing arts?
Always wanted to be on stage?
Come to the performing arts club on Mondays and work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Sign up outside of Ms. Bryan's room and around the halls.
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. Just a reminder that this week we have practice Today, and a dual on Thursday. Please come to the cave after school for practice today by 3pm.Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins.


November 27, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


Come and try the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Club, starting in the art  room on Monday, December 4th.  Learn how to play, or come challenge other experienced players! Loaner cards will be provided.  Please see Ms. J Andrews if you have any questions.

Interested in performing arts?
Always wanted to be on stage?
Come to the performing arts club on Mondays and work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Sign up outside of Ms. Bryan's room and around the halls.
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers. Just a reminder that this week we have practice on Monday and Tuesday, and a dual on Thursday. Please come to the cave after school for practice today by 3pm.Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins.

Congratulations to the Knight Notes for a great performance at the City of Centennial Holiday Celebration.  You received many compliments


November 16, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


Students:  If you want to play in the district chess tournament, pick up a registration form outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Completed forms are due back to Mrs. Lacey TOMORROW.  

Interested in performing arts?
Always wanted to be on stage?
Come to the performing arts club on Mondays and work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Sign up outside of Ms. Bryan's room and around the halls.
Because you were born to entertain!

Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade Knights wrestling team. We had a great dual at Powell on Tuesday with 11 wins, 4 pins, and 67 winning points. Way to go Knights!!

Just a reminder that 7th and 8th grade wrestlers have practice today after school in the cave. Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins.

Attention ALL STUDENTS!  The lost and found will be donated TOMORROW!  Please check for any items and bring them home!  All items left after school WILL BE DONATED!


November 15,2017 - LATE START Schedule


Students:  If you want to play in the district chess tournament, pick up a registration form outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Completed forms are due back to Mrs. Lacey by this week on Friday.  

Attention ALL STUDENTS!  The lost and found will be donated this Friday!  Please check for any items and bring them home!  All items left after school this Friday the 17th WILL BE DONATED!


November 14, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule


The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS TONIGHT anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Students:  If you want to play in the district chess tournament, pick up a registration form outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Completed forms are due back to Mrs. Lacey by this week on Friday.  

Congratulations to the 6th grade Knights wrestling team. We had a great showing at the Festival at Powell yesterday with 10 wins, 2  pins, and 69 winning points. Way to go Knights!!

Attention 7th & 8th grade wrestlers! Please come to the locker room after school to change out for our wrestling dual at Powell today. Bring all of your stuff so that you are ready to board the bus right away by 3:05pm. Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins.

Last night, the 7th grade girls basketball team ended it's season with a victory over Goddard, 24 to 14.  Everyone played great defense and hustled the entire game.  Kathryn M led all scorers with 12 points, while Sidney L chipped in 4.  Great job, ladies!


November 13, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS TOMORROW anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Attention Chess Players:  The district chess tournament is coming!  Battle opponents from other LPS schools in a fun, five round, non-elimination tournament.   The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 2nd here at Newton.  Registration forms and more detailed information can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and the $15 entry fee are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 17.  

Interested in performing arts?
Always wanted to be on stage?
Come to the performing arts club on Mondays and work on a skit, monologue, comedy routine, song or dance! All are welcome, no experience necessary. We will put on a showcase in the Spring!
Sign up outside of Ms. Bryan's room and around the halls.
Because you were born to entertain!

Attention 6th grade wrestlers! Please come to the locker room after school to change out for our wrestling Festival at Powell today. Bring all of your stuff so that you are ready to board the bus right away by 3:05pm. Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkin


November 10,2017 - EVEN Day Schedule


The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS on Tuesday, November 14 anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Attention Chess Players:  The district chess tournament is coming!  Battle opponents from other LPS schools in a fun, five round, non-elimination tournament.   The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 2nd here at Newton.  Registration forms and more detailed information can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and the $15 entry fee are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 17.  

The CODE shack will be open today! Look for the Starbucks raffle again!  Limit 6 cards per person, this does not include the raffle. Please bring your CODE cards to lunch as you will not be allowed to return to your locker to get them.


November 9, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS on Tuesday, November 14 anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Attention Chess Players:  The district chess tournament is coming!  Battle opponents from other LPS schools in a fun, five round, non-elimination tournament.   The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 2nd here at Newton.  Registration forms and more detailed information can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and the $15 entry fee are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 17.  

Reminder! CODE shack this Friday. You may spend up to 6 CODE cards. Please bring your cards to lunch, you may not run to your locker to get them

Students ---- if you had your picture taken on Monday, come to the office and get your ID card!


November 8, 2017 - LATE START Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”


Congratulations to the 7th and 8th grade Knights wrestling team. We had a great showing at the dual with Goddard yesterday! Out of 21 matches, Newton had 14 wins with 12 of those wins by pin, and 13 points scored by wins. Lots of hard work shown by our wrestlers! Just a reminder that we have practice on Thursday after school in the cave for all wrestlers. Please see Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins with questions.

The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS on Tuesday, November 14 anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Attention Chess Players:  The district chess tournament is coming!  Battle opponents from other LPS schools in a fun, five round, non-elimination tournament.   The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 2nd here at Newton.  Registration forms and more detailed information can be found outside Mrs. Lacey's room, room 1369.  Registration forms and the $15 entry fee are due back to Mrs. Lacey by November 17.  


November 7, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule


8th Graders --- The HHS Showcase is TONIGHT @ 6:00pm

Littleton High School invites you to their annual talent show, Lions Follies! Middle schoolers get discounted tickets this year, just $5 at the door! Come to Littleton high school on November 9th and 10th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!"

The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS on Tuesday, November 14 anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!


November 6, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

8th Graders --- The HHS Showcase is TOMORROW, Nov 7th @ 6:00pm

Littleton High School invites you to their annual talent show, Lions Follies! Middle schoolers get discounted tickets this year, just $5 at the door! Come to Littleton high school on November 9th and 10th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!"

The November Newton Community KNight is coming up!  Please invite family and friends to Chipotle across from Arapahoe HS on Tuesday, November 14 anytime from 5pm-9pm.  Mention Newton and a whopping 50% of your bill for dine in or take out will be donated back to our school!

Attention 7th and 8th grade wrestlers! Please come to the locker room after school to change out for our dual at Euclid today. Bring all of your stuff so that you are ready to board the bus right away by 3:05pm. Questions? See Ms. Osthoff or Mrs. Jenkins.

Picture retakes are in the Mini-theater  TODAY!
If you were absent on Oct 2nd , you will get a pass to come to the mini theater at 8:00
We will do an announcement around 8:15-8:20 for those students that brought their picture packet back and need retakes. You must have your packets with all of your pictures or your proof sheet to have a retake. We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures - you must be purchasing pictures.


November 3, 2017 - EVEN Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

8th Graders --- The HHS Showcase is Tuesday, Nov 7th @ 6:00pm

Littleton High School invites you to their annual talent show, Lions Follies! Middle schoolers get discounted tickets this year, just $5 at the door! Come to Littleton high school on November 9th and 10th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!"

Congratulations to the Lady Knights for an exciting game against Euclid.  Haley, Bela, Anastasia, and Jakaiya were all leading point scorers.  Wish the team good luck as they travel to Powell on Tuesday.

Picture retakes are in the Mini-theater  on Monday the 6th at 8:00 am!
If you were absent on Oct 2nd , you will get a pass to come to the mini theater at 8:00
We will do an announcement around 8:15-8:20 for those students that brought their picture packet back and need retakes. You must have your packets with all of your pictures or your proof sheet to have a retake. We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures - you must be purchasing pictures.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour this weekend!


November 2, 2017 - ODD Day Schedule


Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Littleton High School invites you to their annual talent show, Lions Follies! Middle schoolers get discounted tickets this year, just $5 at the door! Come to Littleton high school on November 9th and 10th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!"

Picture retakes are in the Mini-theater  on Monday the 6th at 8:00 am!
If you were absent on Oct 2nd , you will get a pass to come to the mini theater at 8:00
We will do an announcement around 8:15-8:20 for those students that brought their picture packet back and need retakes. You must have your packets with all of your pictures or your proof sheet to have a retake. We do not do retakes for yearbook pictures - you must be purchasing pictures.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...