
August 31st, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Daily Announcements
Monday, August 31, 2015
ODD Day Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”


Chicken Alfredo
Sub Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention Girls' Basketball Players: Littleton High School coaches and players are back to host the 6th annual Newton and Littleton Girls' Basketball Clinic. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 2nd, after school in the gym. All grade levels are welcome to focus on fundamental skills taught by the team. Participation costs just $10 and includes a T-shirt. The second clinic occurs on Wednesday, September 9th. Look for flyers in B-wing and the main office! Please contact Ms. Thomas if you have any questions.

Attention Artists!! Art Club starts this Thursday the 3rd of September! Come to the art room after school to explore various materials like wire, printmaking, and clay! If you have any questions please see Mrs. J Andrews.

Have you been told the buzz? Whispered the word? Heard the hype? Are YOU ready to be a part of the Society? Well here it is, Newton, the club everyone's talking about! THE Salsa Society will hold its first meeting this Thursday Sept. 3rd in room 1112/103 after school. All are welcome to find out more information, so don't miss out!

Attention students, when the bell rings at 2:43, you need to head home.  The playground is off limits for you to use the swings, ride your bikes or skateboards on the blacktop or just hang out with your friends.  We understand that some of you have after school activities and we are so glad that you are involved but those of you not involved, need to go home as soon as possible please.
Thanks for your help!

Reminder ALL Students!  Today is the first day of Knight Time Classes at the end of each day!  Please check the schedules DAILY so you know where you are supposed to go!  Knight Time Schedules are posted outside the library and in the cafeteria.


August 28th, 2015 - EVEN day schedule

Daily Announcements
Friday, August 28, 2015
EVEN Day Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks

Please check the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention Girls' Basketball Players: Littleton High School coaches and players are back to host the 6th annual Newton and Littleton Girls' Basketball Clinic. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 2nd, after school in the gym. All grade levels are welcome to focus on fundamental skills taught by the team. Participation costs just $10 and includes a T-shirt. The second clinic occurs on Wednesday, September 9th. Look for flyers in B-wing and the main office! Please contact Ms. Thomas if you have any questions.

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TODAY after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the past, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions. REMEMBER - you must drink these outside.

Have you noticed the beautiful birthday signs on  some lockers?  We want you all to know that we are thinking of you during your birthday month.  The sign might appear before your birthday or after your birthday but the wish is still the same- Happy birthday!!!!  Thank you to our office assistants and student council members for making the signs and hanging them up!

Have you been told the buzz? Whispered the word? Heard the hype? Are YOU ready to be a part of the Society? Well here it is, Newton, the club everyone's talking about! THE Salsa Society will hold its first meeting next Thursday Sept. 3rd in room 1112/103 after school. All are welcome to find out more information, so don't miss out!

Attention students, when the bell rings at 2:43, you need to head home.  The playground is off limits for you to use the swings, ride your bikes or skateboards on the blacktop or just hang out with your friends.  We understand that some of you have after school activities and we are so glad that you are involved but those of you not involved, need to go home as soon as possible please.
Thanks for your help!


August 26th, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Daily Announcements
Thursday, August 27, 2015
ODD Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Pizza Pocket
Fish Sticks

Please check the rack in the office for Information on the following:
Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school TODAY in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice tomorrow after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the past, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions. REMEMBER - you must drink these outside.

Attention Girls' Basketball Players: Littleton High School coaches and players are back to host the 6th annual Newton and Littleton Girls' Basketball Clinic. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 2nd, after school in the gym. All grade levels are welcome to focus on fundamental skills taught by the team. Participation costs just $10 and includes a T-shirt. The second clinic occurs on Wednesday, September 9th. Look for flyers in B-wing and the main office! Please contact Ms. Thomas if you have any questions.

Have you noticed the beautiful birthday signs on  some lockers?  We want you all to know that we are thinking of you during your birthday month.  The sign might appear before your birthday or after your birthday but the wish is still the same- Happy birthday!!!!  Thank you to our office assistants and student council members for making the signs and hanging them up!


August 26, 2015 - LATE START Schedule


Yogurt & Muffin
Chicken Nuggets
Bean & Cheese Burrito

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school TOMORROW in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  

Attn 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls --- The Newton/LHS Basketball Clinic will be held Sept 2nd & 9th from 2:50-4:10.  Cost is $10   Entry forms are in the office.

Attention Girls' Basketball Players: Littleton High School coaches and players are back to host the 6th annual Newton and Littleton Girls' Basketball Clinic. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 2nd, after school in the gym. All grade levels are welcome to focus on fundamental skills taught by the team. Participation costs just $10 and includes a T-shirt. The second clinic occurs on Wednesday, September 9th. Look for flyers in B-wing and the main office! Please contact Ms. Thomas if you have any questions.


August 25, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule


Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
Yogurt & Muffin

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the past, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions. REMEMBER - you must drink these outside.

Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school on Thursday, August 27 in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  

Attn 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls --- The Newton/LHS Basketball Clinic will be held Sept 2nd & 9th from 2:50-4:10.  Cost is $10   Entry forms are in the office.

Tomorrow is a LATE START DAY  --- doors open at 9:45


August 24, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule


Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Taco Salad
Cheese Ravioli
Ham & Cheese Sandwich

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Attention 7th graders- Track and Field is just around the corner. If you are interested in running, jumping, or sprinting, come to the informational meeting on  TODAY at 2:55 in Mr. Wilmes' room (1589). The meeting should last for about 15 minutes with our first practice on Tuesday, August 25th. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski with any questions.

Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school on Thursday, August 27 in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  

Attn 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Girls --- The Newton/LHS Basketball Clinic will be held Sept 2nd & 9th from 2:50-4:10.  Cost is $10   Entry forms are in the office.


August 21, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule


Pig in a Blanket
Philly Cheesesteak Sub
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:


Attention 7th graders- Track and Field is just around the corner. If you are interested in running, jumping, or sprinting, come to the informational meeting on  Monday, August 24th at 2:55 in Mr. Wilmes' room (1589). The meeting should last for about 15 minutes with our first practice on Tuesday, August 25th. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski with any questions.

Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  
If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school on Thursday, August 27 in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  


August 20, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule


Mac & cheese
BBQ Chicken Sandwich
Pig in a Blanket
Philly Cheesesteak Sub
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all 8th graders!  The Newton Track team is calling your name!  There will be a brief informational meeting for boys AND girls Track in Ms. Bryan's Room 1372 after school TODAY.  See Mr. Worsley or Ms. Bryan if you cannot attend, but still want to participate in Track.  Also, please arrange for a ride home afterwards. 

Attention 7th graders- Track and Field is just around the corner. If you are interested in running, jumping, or sprinting, come to the informational meeting on  Monday, August 24th at 2:55 in Mr. Wilmes' room (1589). The meeting should last for about 15 minutes with our first practice on Tuesday, August 25th. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski with any questions.

Are you interested in making your school a better place with birthday celebrations and sports recognition?   Want to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation with Newton's first ever dance a thon?  Have creative ideas for spirit wee?.  Could you give your time to bring back the HAUNTED HOUSE at the Halloween Dance?  
If so, come join student council.  The first meeting will be after school onThursday, August 27 in Mrs. Mack's room, 1592.  

Is TONIGHT at 6:30 Please encourage your parents to come and meet your teachers and the administration staff !
  • For those of you new to Newton --- You must walk your Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc once you cross Colorado Blvd or Arapahoe Rd onto school grounds.
  • DO NOT leave bikes unlocked in the bike rack!
  • You may decorate the inside of your locker but are not allowed to use stickers, duct tape, contact paper, or anything else that is adhesive.
  • Students will be allowed in the building each day at 7:45
  • Late buses will begin on August 24st – we never have late buses on Fridays.


August 19, 2015 - ALL Day Schedule


Yogurt & Muffin
Mac & cheese
BBQ Chicken Sandwich   

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all 8th graders!  The Newton Track team is calling your name!  There will be a brief informational meeting for boys AND girls Track in Ms. Bryan's Room 1372 after school TOMORROW.  See Mr. Worsley or Ms. Bryan if you cannot attend, but still want to participate in Track.  Also, please arrange for a ride home afterwards. 

Attention 7th graders- Track and Field is just around the corner. If you are interested in running, jumping, or sprinting, come to the informational meeting on  Monday, August 24th at 2:55 in Mr. Wilmes' room (1589). The meeting should last for about 15 minutes with our first practice on Tuesday, August 25th. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski with any questions.

Is TOMORROW at 6:30 Please encourage your parents to come and meet your teachers and the administration staff !
  • For those of you new to Newton --- You must walk your Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc once you cross Colorado Blvd or Arapahoe Rd onto school grounds.
  • DO NOT leave bikes unlocked in the bike rack!
  • You may decorate the inside of your locker but are not allowed to use stickers, duct tape, contact paper, or anything else that is adhesive.
  • Students will be allowed in the building each day at 7:45
  • Late buses will begin on August 24st – we never have late buses on Fridays.


August 18, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on the following:

Attention all 8th graders!  The Newton Track team is calling your name!  There will be a brief informational meeting for boys AND girls Track in Ms. Bryan's Room 1372 after school on Thursday, August 20th.  See Mr. Worsley or Ms. Bryan if you cannot attend, but still want to participate in Track.  Also, please arrange for a ride home afterwards. 

Attention 7th graders- Track and Field is just around the corner. If you are interested in running, jumping, or sprinting, come to the informational meeting next Monday, August 24th at 2:55 in Mr. Wilmes' room (1589). The meeting should last for about 15 minutes with our first practice on Tuesday, August 25th. See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski with any questions.

Is Aug 20th at 6:30 Please encourage your parents to come and meet your teachers and the administration staff !
  • For those of you new to Newton --- You must walk your Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc once you cross Colorado Blvd or Arapahoe Rd onto school grounds.
  • DO NOT leave bikes unlocked in the bike rack!
  • You may decorate the inside of your locker but are not allowed to use stickers, duct tape, contact paper, or anything else that is adhesive.
  • Students will be allowed in the building each day at 7:45
  • Late buses will begin on August 24st – we never have late buses on Fridays.

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...