
March 31, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Cheese Ravioli
Tuns Salad Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

Back by popular demand, the 6th grade newspaper will have one final drawing contest in our last paper of the school year. Turn in your original drawing on clean white paper to Mrs. Svigel. Also, TODAY Newspaper Club will have it's final meeting! We will pull together our last edition and celebrate the year. Bring a snack to share.

Come cheer on the 8th grade girls as they face Euclid after school.  Players make sure you are in the gym dressed and ready to play as soon as school is out.

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Due to a lack of jerseys and money our team pizza party has been postponed until this Thursday, April 2nd, during 8th Grade lunch.  Get you $2 and Jersey to Mr. Atherton ASAP if you want to eat pizza.

8th Graders going to AHS - Freshman Registration is at 6:00 on Monday, April 6th!


March 30, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Turkey Roast & Gravy
Mozzarella Stuffed Sticks

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

8th grade girl's volleyball players.  This is a reminder that there is no practice after school today.  You have a game against Euclid on Tuesday here at Newton.

Back by popular demand, the 6th grade newspaper will have one final drawing contest in our last paper of the school year. Turn in your original drawing on clean white paper to Mrs. Svigel. Also, tomorrow Newspaper Club will have it's final meeting! We will pull together our last edition and celebrate the year. Bring a snack to share.

Students- thank you for all of your hard work and effort during assessments. Each Friday of assessment week, we will have the CODE table out for you to choose some goodies and enter the drawings. The next group of winners from the drawing are:
6th grade-Colin F
7th grade-Ella C
8th grade-Sarah D

Please come to the office to choose your prize!  Keep entering your CODE cards students! More prizes and treats coming your way!!


March 20th, 2015- TEST Schedule

Daily Announcements
Friday, March 20, 2015
TEST  Schedule

Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog


Reminders & Announcements:

Back by popular demand, the 6th grade newspaper will have one final drawing contest in our last paper of the school year. Turn in your original drawing on clean white paper to Mrs. Svigel. Also, on Tuesday after spring break, Newspaper Club will have it's final meeting! We will pull together our last edition and celebrate the year. Even if you haven't been to a meeting in awhile, come on Tuesday after break.

Just a reminder to bring your CODE cards to lunch today!!

Have A Great Spring Break!


March 19, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Rotini Chicken Alfredo
Chef Salad

Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog

Reminders & Announcements:

The Beginning Orchestra Club will meet TODAY after school. Please remember to bring your instruments and music.

Tomorrow is Testing Treat Day~gather all your CODE cards and cash them in at lunch tomorrow for some good food! Also, you'll be placed in the weekly drawing for SPIRIT GEAR and the KINDLE GIVEAWAY at the end of the year!!


March 18, 2015 - LATE START Schedule

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Rotini Chicken Alfredo
Chef Salad
Reminders & Announcements:

The Beginning Orchestra Club will meet TOMORROW after school. Please remember to bring your instruments and music.

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players- Due to scheduling conflicts this week, we will postpone the end of season pizza party to Tuesday, March 31.  We will meet during 8th Grade lunch in Mr. Atherton's room that day for pizza.  Meanwhile, get your jerseys and $2 for pizza to Mr. Atherton THIS WEEK!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions.


March 17, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Reminders & Announcements:

The Advanced Orchestra Club will meet TODAY after school  AND the Beginning Orchestra Club will meet Thursday after school. Please remember to bring your instruments and music.

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players- Due to scheduling conflicts this week, we will postpone the end of season pizza party to Tuesday, March 31.  We will meet during 8th Grade lunch in Mr. Atherton's room that day for pizza.  Meanwhile, get your jerseys and $2 for pizza to Mr. Atherton THIS WEEK!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions.

Pria, Karakter, Shamrock


March 16, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Sub Sandwich

Yogurt cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

The Advanced Orchestra Club will meet TOMORROW after school  AND  The Beginning Orchestra Club will meet Thursday after school. Please remember to bring your instruments and music.

Attention 8th Grade Basketball Players- Due to scheduling conflicts this week, we will postpone the end of season pizza party to Tuesday, March 31.  We will meet during 8th Grade lunch in Mr. Atherton's room that day for pizza.  

Meanwhile, get your jerseys and $2 for pizza to Mr. Atherton THIS WEEK!!  See Mr. Atherton with questions.

All students participating in the talent show there is a required dress rehearsal today from 4:00-6:00. You need to come dressed in your outfit and bring anything used in your act. See you at 4:00 in the gym.

Students- thank you for all of your hard work and effort during assessments. Each Friday of assessment week, we will have the CODE table out for you to choose some goodies and enter the drawings. The first winners from the drawing are:
6th grade-Skylar M
7th grade-Selena C
8th grade-Thomas R

Please come to the office to choose your prize!  Keep entering your CODE cards students! More prizes and treats coming your way!!


March 13, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos


Reminders & Announcements:

The Advanced Orchestra Club will meet Tuesday, March 17 after school  AND  The Beginning Orchestra Club will meet Thursday, March 19 after school. Please remember to bring your instruments and music.

Dig out your CODE cards today and bring them to lunch for all kinds of treats!


March 12, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Fresh Fruit & Cheese Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

All 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball there will be a meeting TODAY  after school in Mrs. Osthoff classroom 314. If you have played Volleyball before, great!, if you haven't middle school is the best time to try new things and we would love for you to come out and try something new. Please arrange for a ride home because the meeting will be short. Please see Mrs. Osthoff or Ms. Amonson with any questions.

Students - the only food that you should have in your locker is your lunch for that day. PLEASE get rid of ALL other food!

Attention 6th grade Girls:
This is your last chance to sign up for GESTEM!  If you have not gotten your sheet to Mrs. Rahne, it needs to be turned in to her first thing Friday morning (before school even starts).  Please make sure you pick up a form from the front office if you need one.

Tomorrow will be the FIRST of many Testing Treat Days. Every Friday at lunches during PARCC testing we will have tons of yummy treats. Each treat will cost 1 CODE card, so don't forget to bring them all in! Also, there will be a drawing for each grade EVERY week for an item of your choice from the Spirit Cart, as well as our infamous Kindle giveaway drawing for every grade at the end of the year!! BRING YOUR CODE CARDS TO LUNCH TOMORROW!!! And teachers, keep handing out those CODE cards!!!


March 11, 2015 - TEST Schedule

Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Fresh Fruit & Cheese Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

All 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball there will be a meeting TOMORROW  after school in Mrs. Osthoff classroom 314. If you have played Volleyball before, great!, if you haven't middle school is the best time to try new things and we would love for you to come out and try something new. Please arrange for a ride home because the meeting will be short. Please see Mrs. Osthoff or Ms. Amonson with any questions.

Students - the only food that you should have in your locker is your lunch for that day. PLEASE get rid of ALL other food!


March 10, 2015 - TEST SCHEDULE

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

All 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball there will be a meeting this Thursday  after school in Mrs. Osthoff classroom 314. If you have played Volleyball before, great!, if you haven't middle school is the best time to try new things and we would love for you to come out and try something new. Please arrange for a ride home because the meeting will be short. Please see Mrs. Osthoff or Ms. Amonson with any questions.

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted TOMORROW.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

8th Graders - if you ordered a Panoramic Picture - please come to the front desk and pick it up.


March 9, 2015 - TEST SCHEDULE

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Southwest Deli Wrap

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Return your WASHED uniform to Mr. Atherton ASAP along with $2 for our end of season party.  We will gather after school on Thursday, March 19th in Mr. Atherton's room to eat pizza and watch Day 1 of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions!!

All 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball there will be a meeting this Thursday  after school in Mrs. Osthoff classroom 314. If you have played Volleyball before, great!, if you haven't middle school is the best time to try new things and we would love for you to come out and try something new. Please arrange for a ride home because the meeting will be short. Please see Mrs. Osthoff or Ms. Amonson with any questions.

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

8th Graders - if you ordered a Panoramic Picture - please come to the front desk and pick it up.

Students & Teachers - remember there are no bells during testing - please watch your clocks!


March 5, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Chef Salad


Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Return your WASHED uniform to Mr. Atherton ASAP along with $2 for our end of season party.  We will gather after school on Thursday, March 19th in Mr. Atherton's room to eat pizza and watch Day 1 of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions!!

All 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball there will be a meeting Thursday March 12th  after school in Mrs. Osthoff classroom 314. If you have played Volleyball before, great!, if you haven't middle school is the best time to try new things and we would love for you to come out and try something new. Please arrange for a ride home because the meeting will be short. Please see Mrs. Osthoff or Ms. Amonson with any questions.

Attention 7th Grade SINGERS!  Knight Notes applications are now available on Ms. Andrews webpage.  Auditions will be conducted on Wednesday, March 11.  Please see Ms. Andrews with questions.  

Students & Parents - There will be no late buses TODAY!

Enjoy your long weekend! Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead on Saturday Night & rest up for PARCC tests that start on Monday!


Marcvh 4, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito

Chef Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Return your WASHED uniform to Mr. Atherton ASAP along with $2 for our end of season party.  We will gather after school on Thursday, March 19th in Mr. Atherton's room to eat pizza and watch Day 1 of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions!!

Students & Parents - There will be no late buses TOMORROW, March 5th!


March 3, 2015 - EVEN Day Schedule

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito

Reminders & Announcements:

8th grade girls remember your first practice is after school TODAY.  Make sure to be in the gym dressed out as soon as you can after school.

Attention 8th Grade Boys Basketball Players- Return your WASHED uniform to Mr. Atherton ASAP along with $2 for our end of season party.  We will gather after school on Thursday, March 19th in Mr. Atherton's room to eat pizza and watch Day 1 of March Madness.  See Mr. Atherton with questions!!

Students & Parents - There will be no late buses on Thursday, March 5th!


March 2, 2015 - ODD Day Schedule

Chicken Tenders
Italian Meatball Sub
Yogurt Cup & Muffin
Reminders & Announcements:

8th grade girls remember your first practice is after school TOMORROW.  Make sure to be in the gym dressed out as soon as you can after school.

Students & Parents - There will be no late buses on Thursday, March 5th!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...