
October 31, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Chicken Rotini Alfredo
Chef Salad

 Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 6th grade track members- Next Wednesday, Nov 5th we will have our season ending pizza party during lunch, on the stage. Your entry into the party in $2 for the pizza and your track jersey. If you would like to purchase your track jersey the cost is $10. See Mr. Wilmes with any questions.

8th Graders --- mark your calendars for next week:

                        Nov 4th – HHS Showcase

                        Nov 5th – AHS Freshman Showcase

                        Nov 6th -- LHS Lion Pride Preview

                Check their websites for times and locations!







October 30,2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog

Chicken Rotini Alfredo
Chef Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Today is your LAST chance to get your Halloween Dance ticket and pizza and pop using your 6 CODE cards to get out of Homeroom TOMORROW! Bring your cards to lunch today ~ don't miss out!! Remember you can still get in to the dance at the door after school for $5.

Attention Fantasy Footballers- We will meet today at 3:00 for prizes for this week and a league vote on a rule change.  See Mr. Atherton if you have any questions.

8th Graders --- mark your calendars for next week:

                        Nov 4th – HHS Showcase

                        Nov 5th – AHS Freshman Showcase

                        Nov 6th -- LHS Lion Pride Preview

                Check their websites for times and locations!
           Don't forget to change your clocks Saturday night!


October 29, 2014 - LATE START Schedule


Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Sloppy Joe
Corn Dog

Reminders & Announcements:

We want to see your SWEET dance moves at the Halloween dance on Friday! Bring 6 CODE cards to lunch today to get in free and get pizza and pop! Be there!  "Make sure to check out the photo booth at the dance ~ it's FREE!!!"

Congratulations to the 8th grade girls A and B teams on their victory over Euclid. Both games were very exciting and a lot of fun to watch. Way to go ladies! See you at practice on Thursday.


October 28, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Honey BBQ Drumstick
Grilled Cheese

Reminders & Announcements:

6th Grade Newspaper Club meets after school TODAY in Mrs. Svigel's room. We're going to get our first newspaper ready to print! Make sure you're there to pitch in and make it a success!

Bring out your costumes and your CODE cards for the Halloween Dance this Friday!!! 6 CODE cards get you into the dance and pizza and pop. Bring your cards to lunches today!!! "Make sure to check out the photo booth at the dance ~ it's FREE!!!"

Congratulations 7th grade girls’ basketball teams!  Both A and B teams won their games at Powell last night, and played great overall.  If you want to see them in action, come out to the games next Monday, after school, here at Newton.  Congratulations again on beating Powell!
Don’t Forget – Tomorrow is a LATE START Day – see you at 9:45!
Student government students – you should be in the art room with Mrs. Andrews.


October 27, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Sub Sandwich

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

NJHS will meet in the mini-theater TODAY after school to congratulate our new officers, finish preparing for our Halloween party at the care center and begin planning for upcoming activities.  Be sure to bring card-making supplies and project ideas.  Come and join the fun!

6th Grade Newspaper Club meets after school TOMORROW in Mrs. Svigel's room. We're going to get our first newspaper ready to print! Make sure you're there to pitch in and make it a success!

Don't miss out on the Halloween Dance THIS FRIDAY during Homeroom and after school!! Bring your 6 CODE cards to lunch today to get in AND get pizza and pop!!!!


October 24th, 2014 - EVEN Day

Daily Announcements
Friday, OCTOBER 24, 2014
EVEN Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fruit & Cheese Salad


Reminders & Announcements:

ONE WEEK FROM TODAY IS THE INFAMOUS HALLOWEEN DANCE!!!! We will start selling tickets next week during lunches so dust off your CODE cards. You will get our of homeroom to attend the dance and get a piece of pizza and pop next Friday~all for only 6 CODE cards! Or, you can pay $5 to get in at the door after school.

NJHS will meet in the mini-theater Monday after school to congratulate our new officers, finish preparing for our Halloween party at the care center and begin planning for upcoming activities.  Be sure to bring card-making supplies and project ideas.  Come and join the fun!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  This will be the last time we will be selling Jamba until the spring so come and join us one more time.


October 23, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos

BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fruit & Cheese Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Do you want a simple way to try to get in this year's yearbook as many times as possible? Well, it's super easy. Going online or using an app, you can upload all of those great pics that the yearbook staff just couldn't get. What about those pictures from the Nasal Moose Saliva Concert?  Do you play outside sports? Do unique and exciting things after school? Did you do something especially awesome over the summer? Well, WE WANT THOSE PICS IN THE YEARBOOK! Simply go to the hjeshare website, enter code NMS2015, and upload away! There are also Apps for Apple and Google Devices. See the posters around the school for more information or see Mr. Cohen in 308.

8th Graders, flyers for 8th Grade Yearbook baby ads went out a couple of weeks ago. Don't be left out of this awesome Newton tradition. Grab another flyer from the office, visit Mr. Cohen in 308, or head to the Yearbook Page on Mr. Cohen's website.
Starting next week, we will be selling tickets at lunch to get into the Halloween dance~only 6 CODE cards for entry and pizza/pop!! Start saving your CODE cards and teachers, keep handing them out!!!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school outside the main entrance of the school.  This will be the last time we will be selling Jamba until the spring so come and join us one more time.

Attention Fantasy Footballers, we will be meeting today after school for two weeks of prizes, see Mr. A if you have questions.



October 22,2014 - ALL Day Schedule


Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Chicken Poppers
Santa Fe Tacos

Reminders & Announcements:

Do you want a simple way to try to get in this year's yearbook as many times as possible? Well, it's super easy. Going online or using an app, you can upload all of those great pics that the yearbook staff just couldn't get. What about those pictures from the Nasal Moose Saliva Concert?  Do you play outside sports? Do unique and exciting things after school? Did you do something especially awesome over the summer? Well, WE WANT THOSE PICS IN THE YEARBOOK! Simply go to the hjeshare website, enter code NMS2015, and upload away! There are also Apps for Apple and Google Devices. See the posters around the school for more information or see Mr. Cohen in 308.

8th Graders, flyers for 8th Grade Yearbook baby ads went out a couple of weeks ago. Don't be left out of this awesome Newton tradition. Grab another flyer from the office, visit Mr. Cohen in 308, or head to the Yearbook Page on Mr. Cohen's website.

The Newton Halloween Dance is BACK one week from this Friday!!! 6 CODE cards will get you in to the dance during homeroom, as well as pizza and pop! Bring your CODE cards to lunches next week.



October 21, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Sliced Turkey Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

Do you want a simple way to try to get in this year's yearbook as many times as possible? Well, it's super easy. Going online or using an app, you can upload all of those great pics that the yearbook staff just couldn't get. What about those pictures from the Nasal Moose Saliva Concert?  Do you play outside sports? Do unique and exciting things after school? Did you do something especially awesome over the summer? Well, WE WANT THOSE PICS IN THE YEARBOOK! Simply go to the hjeshare website, enter code NMS2015 , and upload away! There are also Apps for Apple and Google Devices. See the posters around the school for more information or see Mr. Cohen in 308.

8th Graders, flyers for 8th Grade Yearbook baby ads went out a couple of weeks ago. Don't be left out of this awesome Newton tradition. Grab another flyer from the office, visit Mr. Cohen in 308, or head to the Yearbook Page on Mr. Cohen's website.

If there are any NJHS members who did not attend yesterday's meeting and still need to vote for officers, please see either Mrs. Petrelli (room 106) or Mrs. Hissem (room 105) to vote by the end of today.  Officers will be announced tomorrow.

6th Grade Newspaper Club will meet in Mrs. Svigel's room after school today. If you did not get to attend our first meeting, but still want to join, you are most welcome to come!


October 20, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Southwest Deli Wrap

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

All NJHS members - we will meet TODAY at 3:00 in the mini-theater to vote on officers and plan upcoming events.  Check the list posted on the NJHS bulletin board in B wing and by Mrs. Hissem and Mrs. Petrelli's doors for candidates and let us know of any needed additions.  Be ready to select officers and prepare for our Halloween trip to the care center.  Bring supplies to make cards and we'll bring the snacks!  See you Monday after school in the mini-theater!





October 15, 2014 - ALL Day Schedule


Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito


 Reminders & Announcements:

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice outside the main entrance of the school TODAY. 

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on THURSDAY. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on FRIDAY!

All NJHS members - we will meet Monday at 3:00 in the mini-theater to vote on officers and plan upcoming events.  Check the list posted on the NJHS bulletin board in B wing and by Mrs. Hissem and Mrs. Petrelli's doors for candidates and let us know of any needed additions.  Be ready to select officers and prepare for our Halloween trip to the care center.  Bring supplies to make cards and we'll bring the snacks!  See you Monday after school in the mini-theater!

Remind your parents!   Conferences are tonight and tomorrow night from 3:30-7:00

Have a great 4 day weekend!




October 14, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Pizza Day
Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Mac & Cheese
Fiesta Burrito

 Reminders & Announcements:

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting TODAY, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice outside the main entrance of the school TOMORROW. 

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on THURSDAY. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on FRIDAY!

Attention 6th grade track members the rain has gone away and our track meet has been rescheduled for TODAY. 

PARENTS - Arena Conferences are WED & THUR night from 3:30-7:00pm


October 13, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Chicken Burrito Bowl
Turkey and Cheese Wrap

Pizza Day
Yogurt Cup & Muffin
Reminders & Announcements:

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by TOMORROW.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting TOMORROW, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice outside the main entrance of the school this Wednesday.  We apologize for not having Jamba Juice last Friday but hope you will come enjoy a treat after school Wednesday to start your 4 day weekend. 

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on THURSDAY. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on FRIDAY!

Attention 6th grade track members the rain has gone away and our track meet has been rescheduled for TOMORROW.  Forecast is sunny and 75 degrees! Wear your track jerseys to school TOMORROW.


October 10, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Chicken Nuggets
Taco Salad


Reminders & Announcements:

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

 Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by October 14th.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!

Attention 6th grade track members Rain, rain go away come again another day- But not next Tuesday. The track meet has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, October 14th.  Forecast is sunny and 75 degrees! Wear your track jerseys to school on Tuesday.

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting next Tuesday, October 14th, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on the 16th. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on Oct 17th!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school. 

Students  - you will vote today during homeroom for our next Knight time round



October 9, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Chicken Nuggets
Taco Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by October 14th.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!

Are you a 7th grade girl?  Do you have an interest in playing basketball for Newton?  Do you like to have fun?  If so, there is a short basketball meeting after school TODAY in Mr. Worsley's Room 110.  If you cannot make the meeting, please see either Mr. Worsley or Ms. Krikke for more information.  Basketball experience is not required.

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting next Tuesday, October 14th, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.

Attention all Fantasy Footballers- We will meet TODAY for our weekly prizes and trades and making sure nobody has any Vikings players on their teams before we leave for the day. HA HA Mr. O'Tremba!  See Mr. Atherton ahead of time if you will not be there!

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on the 16th. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on Oct 17th!

"Students and Staff~don't forget to bedazzle yourself in pink tomorrow to show your support of breast cancer awareness!!"

 The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again this Friday after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes,$2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.
6th and 7th grade students- if you are open enrolled to Newton from OUT of the district, you must do an Intent to Renew form and turn it into the office.  You can get a copy at the office or on the district website.  8th graders- if you intend to open enroll to a high school that is not your home school, you will need to complete open enroll forms. 


October 8, 2014 - ALL Day Schedule


Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich

Cheese Ravioli
Tuna Salad Sandwich

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention 7th Grade Track members. We will celebrate our season TODAY with a pizza party during lunch. Your ticket to the party is $2 and your clean track jersey or $10 to buy the jersey. Ms. Timinski and Mr. Wilmes will see you on Wednesday.

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by October 14th.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!

Are you a 7th grade girl?  Do you have an interest in playing basketball for Newton?  Do you like to have fun?  If so, there is a short basketball meeting after school TOMORROW in Mr. Worsley's Room 110.  If you cannot make the meeting, please see either Mr. Worsley or Ms. Krikke for more information.  Basketball experience is not required.

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting next Tuesday, October 14th, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.

Attention all Fantasy Footballers- We will meet Thursday for our weekly prizes and trades and making sure nobody has any Vikings players on their teams before we leave for the day. HA HA Mr. O'Tremba!  See Mr. Atherton ahead of time if you will not be there!

LOST & FOUND -All lost and found items are on the table outside of the office. These will be on display until conferences are over on the 16th. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Goodwill on Oct 17th!

Newton Knights~THIS FRIDAY IS PINK DAY, in support of breast cancer awareness month. So dust off your pink boas, bring out your pink socks, and throw on your pink tutus to show your support!!"

6th and 7th grade students- if you are open enrolled to Newton from OUT of the district, you must do an Intent to Renew form and turn it into the office.  You can get a copy at the office or on the district website.  8th graders- if you intend to open enroll to a high school that is not your home school, you will need to complete open enroll forms. 



October 7, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Orange Glazed Chicken
Sub Sandwich

 Reminders & Announcements:

All-state choir auditions scheduled for today are cancelled. Please see Ms. Andrews tomorrow ASAP to reschedule.

6th grade! Newspaper Club will meet TODAY. Please join us after school in Mrs. Svigel's room.

Attention all 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. There is an interest meeting TODAY at 2:55 in Ms. Timinski's room. The meeting will not last long. Grab a friend and come out for some hoops and a great time! See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski if you can not make the meeting. Practice start on Thursday, October 9th.

Attention 7th Grade Track members. We will celebrate our season TOMORROW with a pizza party during lunch. Your ticket to the party is $2 and your clean track jersey or $10 to buy the jersey. Ms. Timinski and Mr. Wilmes will see you on Wednesday.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!

6th and 7th grade students- if you are open enrolled to Newton from OUT of the district, you must do an Intent to Renew form and turn it into the office.  You can get a copy at the office or on the district website.  8th graders- if you intend to open enroll to a high school that is not your home school, you will need to complete open enroll forms. 

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by October 14th.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!

Are you a 7th grade girl?  Do you have an interest in playing basketball for Newton?  Do you like to have fun?  If so, there is a short basketball meeting after school on Thursday, in Mr. Worsley's Room 110.  If you cannot make the meeting, please see either Mr. Worsley or Ms. Krikke for more information.  Basketball experience is not required.

Newton's 8th grade girls and boys track teams took SECOND PLACE at the tournament yesterday! Congratulations for their hard work and effort all season. Go Knights!

Get ready to take down the competition by joining Newton's wrestling team! All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome to come to the interest meeting next Tuesday, October 14th, in room 203. The meeting will be held right after school and it won't take long, but be sure you have a way to get home.


October 6, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Turkey Roast & Gravy
Mozzarella Stuffed Sticks

Yogurt Cup & Muffin

Reminders & Announcements:

6th grade! Newspaper Club will meet TOMORROW. Please join us after school in Mrs. Svigel's room.

National Junior Honor Society members - our meeting for today has been cancelled!

Attention all 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. There is an interest meeting TOMORROW at 2:55 in Ms. Timinski's room. The meeting will not last long. Grab a friend and come out for some hoops and a great time! See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski if you can not make the meeting. Practice start on Thursday, October 9th.

Attention 7th Grade Track members. We will celebrate our season on Wednesday with a pizza party during lunch. Your ticket to the party is $2 and your clean track jersey or $10 to buy the jersey. Ms. Timinski and Mr. Wilmes will see you on Wednesday.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!

6th and 7th grade students- if you are open enrolled to Newton from OUT of the district, you must do an Intent to Renew form and turn it into the office.  You can get a copy at the office or on the district website.  8th graders- if you intend to open enroll to a high school that is not your home school, you will need to complete open enroll forms. 

The Littleton Stride is coming up on Sunday October 26th!!! Bring your family and friends out to participate in a 5k or 10k run/walk to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. If you would like to register for the Stride there will be signup sheets at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Registration sheets can be collected at lunch or given to Mrs. Osthoff. You can also register online at

Scholastic Book Fair.  We are looking for student volunteers for the Book Fair.  If you are interested in helping out with the Book Fair please ask your Language Arts teacher for an application.  Applications are also available in the library or front office.  Applications are due by October 14th.  Come join the Scholastic Book Fair Crew!


October 3, 2014 - EVEN Day

Daily Announcements
Friday, OCTOBER 3, 2014
EVEN Day Schedule
Pledge of Allegiance
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all.”

Nacho Grande
Chicken Caesar Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Listen up for this change 6th grade! Newspaper Club will now meet this coming TUESDAY October 7th instead of Monday. Then more students can go to track practice on Monday and still come to the club meeting on Tuesday. Please join us after school in Mrs. Svigel's room.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TODAY after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes, $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

All current National Junior Honor Society members - our first NJHS meeting will be this coming Monday, October 6 at 3:00 in the mini-theater.  Please bring ideas for community projects and officer nominations.  It will be a short meeting, so make sure you have transportation home after the meeting.  If you have questions, see Mrs. Petrelli or Mrs. Hissem.

Attention all 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. There is an interest meeting this coming Tuesday, October 7th at 2:55 in Ms. Timinski's room. The meeting will not last long. Grab a friend and come out for some hoops and a great time! See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski if you can not make the meeting. Practice start on Thursday, October 9th.

Attention 7th Grade Track members. Unfortunately Euclid was unable to rescheduled our canceled meet so we are going to chalk this up as a Newton Victory!!!!! Let's celebrate. On Wednesday, October 8th we will have a pizza party during lunch. Your ticket to the party is $2 and your clean track jersey or $10 to buy the jersey. Ms. Timinski and Mr. Wilmes will see you on Wednesday.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!

6th and 7th grade students- if you are open enrolled to Newton from OUT of the district, you must do an Intent to Renew form and turn it into the office.  You can get a copy at the office or on the district website.  8th graders- if you intend to open enroll to a high school that is not your home school, you will need to complete open enroll forms. 


October 2, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Philly Cheesesteak Sub

Nacho Grande
Chicken Caesar Salad

Reminders & Announcements:

Attention Fantasy Footballers: We will meet TODAY for Double Prizes. If you have not come to a meeting since the draft, you must come if you want your team to remain active. See Mr. Atherton with questions!

Listen up for this change 6th grade! Newspaper Club will now meet this coming TUESDAY October 7th instead of Monday. Then more students can go to track practice on Monday and still come to the club meeting on Tuesday. Please join us after school in Mrs. Svigel's room.

"Aloha!"  The code cart and spirit cart will be in the cafeteria TODAY! Remember you will not be allowed to leave to get your code cards – bring them with you to lunch.

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again TOMORROW after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes, $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.
All current National Junior Honor Society members - our first NJHS meeting will be this coming Monday, October 6 at 3:00 in the mini-theater.  Please bring ideas for community projects and officer nominations.  It will be a short meeting, so make sure you have transportation home after the meeting.  If you have questions, see Mrs. Petrelli or Mrs. Hissem.

Attention all 8th grade girls interested in playing basketball. There is an interest meeting this coming Tuesday, October 7th at 2:55 in Ms. Timinski's room. The meeting will not last long. Grab a friend and come out for some hoops and a great time! See Mr. Wilmes or Ms. Timinski if you can not make the meeting. Practice start on Thursday, October 9th.

Attention 7th Grade Track members. Unfortunately Euclid was unable to rescheduled our canceled meet so we are going to chalk this up as a Newton Victory!!!!! Let's celebrate. On Wednesday, October 8th we will have a pizza party during lunch. Your ticket to the party is $2 and your clean track jersey or $10 to buy the jersey. Ms. Timinski and Mr. Wilmes will see you on Wednesday.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!


October 1, 2014 - LATE START Schedule


French Toast Sticks
Fruit & Cheese Basket

Teriyaki Chicken & Rice
Philly Cheesesteak Sub

 Reminders & Announcements:

Attention Fantasy Footballers: We will meet TOMORROW for Double Prizes. If you have not come to a meeting since the draft, you must come if you want your team to remain active. See Mr. Atherton with questions!

Think you'd be good at writing a sports column, or a movie review? Do you have ideas for an article about the latest trending technology or fashion? Come to the 6th grade Newspaper Club meeting next Monday, October 6th after school in Mrs. Svigel's room. Look for the sign-up sheets in C wing.

PLEASE CLEAN UP YOUR TABLE AND THE FLOOR BEFORE GOING OUTSIDE AT LUNCHTIME.  We will start dismissing by tables if the messes continue!

"Aloha!"  Missing summer?  TOMORROW we are bringing it back with Hawaiian day!  Why are we having a spirit day on Thursday?  Because that's when the code cart and spirit cart will be in the cafeteria.  Wear floral, in your hair, on your shirt, around your neck!  Anything floral or Hawaiian on Thursday!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice again this Friday after school outside the main entrance of the school.  We will have the same flavors and sizes, $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Mrs. Osthoff if you have any questions.

Students – please make sure you are checking the office counter and hallway bulletin boards for flyers and info on out of school activities being offered!

Make sure you are checking your KT classes EVERYDAY! Classes are not always the same from week to week. 

PARENTS – Please watch our website for last minute activity cancellations. We will post as soon as we know!

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...