
April 29, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Top Your Own Baked Potato
Alternate Choice
Chicken Pattie on a Bun
Side Selections
Baked Beans

Featured Entrée
Turkey Wrap
Alternate Choice
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


8th Graders, we need your pictures for our end-of-year slideshow to be shown at continuation. If you have some great moments caught on camera that will help us all remember this 8th grade year, please email them to Mr. Cohen as soon as possible.

Run with the Knights t-shirts are now on sale, there are some shirts hanging up in the window of the main office and in the windows of the cafeteria.  The cost of the shirts this year is $8, an order form and money needs to be turned into Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge by Wednesday May 7th. Order a t-shirt and begin to get into the spirit for this years run, we have lots of really great stuff planned for this years race.  Order forms can be picked up in the main office, from Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge or you can print them off on line off the Newton web site.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

 We will have students visiting from the elementary schools today and Thursday. Please make them feel welcome if you see them in the halls.  MLT Teachers- they might be popping into your classrooms. 

 "Do you have a bunch of unused CODE cards lying around in your locker or at home? Well, now's your chance to cash in on them!!! Turn them in to the boxes hanging in the lunchroom and when your name is drawn, we will buy you and a friend lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet and have it delivered to you on May 21st!

Also, if you have 6 unused CODE cards you can get out of homeroom May 16 for KONA ice!! More info coming on this!"


April 28, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Sub Sandwich
Side Selections
Garden Salad
Sweet Potato Fries

Featured Entrée
Top Your Own Baked Potato
Alternate Choice
Chicken Pattie on a Bun
Side Selections
Baked Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


8th Graders, we need your pictures for our end-of-year slideshow to be shown at continuation. If you have some great moments caught on camera that will help us all remember this 8th grade year, please email them to Mr. Cohen as soon as possible.

Run with the Knights t-shirts are now on sale, there are some shirts hanging up in the window of the main office and in the windows of the cafeteria.  The cost of the shirts this year is $8, an order form and money needs to be turned into Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge by Wednesday May 7th. Order a t-shirt and begin to get into the spirit for this years run, we have lots of really great stuff planned for this years race.  Order forms can be picked up in the main office, from Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge or you can print them off on line off the Newton web site.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.


April 25, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Mandarin Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Celery with dip
Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


For students who have taken art studio this year.  Please go to the art room by end of day TODAY.

End of the year field trip permission slips are due to your 5th period teacher TODAY!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TODAY after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

Students, if you haven't turned in your registration forms because you were absent last Thursday or Friday, or because you forgot to get a parent signature you need to get them turned into the office ASAP. If you choose not to turn in a card, your elective classes will be selected for you. 

Current 7th graders, TODAY is the last day to get your application in to be a part of next year's yearbook staff. The application can be found on Mr. Cohen's website.

8th Graders, we need your pictures for our end-of-year slideshow to be shown at continuation. If you have some great moments caught on camera that will help us all remember this 8th grade year, please email them to Mr. Cohen as soon as possible.

Attention all students going on the Shakespeare Field trip ...please meet in the cafeteria at 8:30am.  Make sure you have your lunch, water and your script.

Congratulations and thank you to Francis T who designed this years Run with the Knights t-shirt.  Mr. Blake and Ms. Plegge would like to thank Francis for doing this and for all of the other students in Mr. Finers Tech Ed class that came up with designs.

Run with the Knights t-shirts are now on sale, there are some shirts hanging up in the window of the main office and in the windows of the cafeteria.  The cost of the shirts this year is $8, an order form and money needs to be turned into Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge by Wednesday May 7th. Order a t-shirt and begin to get into the spirit for this years run, we have lots of really great stuff planned for this years race.  Order forms can be picked up in the main office, from Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge or you can print them off on line off the Newton web site.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.


April 24, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Breakfast Bowl
Alternate Choice
Pig in a Blanket
Side Selections
Tri Tators

Featured Entrée
Mandarin Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Celery with dip

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

"Keep turning your CODE cards in to the boxes in the cafeteria so you and a friend can win a free lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet on May 21st!!!"

For students who have taken art studio this year.  Please go to the art room by TOMORROW to pickup any work you may have left.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. J Andrews.

End of the year field trip permission slips are due to your 5th period teacher by TOMORROW the 25th!

 The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TOMORROW after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

Students, if you haven't turned in your registration forms because you were absent last Thursday or Friday, or because you forgot to get a parent signature you need to get them turned into the office ASAP. If you choose not to turn in a card, your elective classes will be selected for you. 

Current 7th graders, this is the last week to get your application in to be a part of next year's yearbook staff. The application can be found on Mr. Cohen's website.

8th Graders, we need your pictures for our end-of-year slideshow to be shown at continuation. If you have some great moments caught on camera that will help us all remember this 8th grade year, please email them to Mr. Cohen as soon as possible.


April 23, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule



Featured Entrée
Popcorn Chicken
Alternate Choice
French Toast Sticks
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries

Featured Entrée
Breakfast Bowl
Alternate Choice
Pig in a Blanket
Side Selections
Tri Tators

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Keep turning your CODE cards in to the boxes in the cafeteria so you and a friend can win a free lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet on May 21st!!!"

For students who have taken art studio this year.  Please go to the art room by Friday to pickup any work you may have left.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. J Andrews.

 End of the year field trip permission slips are due to your 5th period teacher by this Friday the 25th!
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.
8th grade volleyball players remember you have a game at Goddard today after school.  See you at the bus in the east lot at 2:55.


April 22, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Roasted Turkey
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Mexican Beans

Featured Entrée
Popcorn Chicken
Alternate Choice
French Toast Sticks
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.

"Keep turning your CODE cards in to the boxes in the cafeteria so you and a friend can win a free lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet on May 21st!!!"

The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by TOMORROW. 

For students who have taken art studio this year.  Please go to the art room by Friday to pickup any work you may have left.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. J Andrews.

End of the year field trip permission slips are due to your 5th period teacher by this Friday the 25th!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.


April 18, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Honey BBQ Drumsticks
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries
Broccoli with Dip
Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Keep turning your CODE cards in to the boxes in the cafeteria so you and a friend can win a free lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet on May 21st!!!"

The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by April 23rd. 

 Attention to all 7th graders: Today is the last day we are accepting applications for WEB. If you are a current 7th grade student wanting to apply for WEB, you must get your application in by the end of the day. You can find the online application on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information!

All 8th graders bring a reading book and only a reading book to science.  Do not bring anything else, including a cell phone.
The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice TODAY after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

End of the year field trip permission slips are due to your 5th period teacher by next Friday the 25th!

Don’t forget – NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY


April 17, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule

Featured Entrée
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Hot Dog
Side Selections
Baked Beans

Featured Entrée
Honey BBQ Drumsticks
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Sweet Potato Fries
Broccoli with Dip

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Keep turning your CODE cards in to the boxes in the cafeteria so you and a friend can win a free lunch from Qdoba or Chick Filet on May 21st!!!"
The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by April 23rd. 

Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

Attention to all 7th graders: The deadline to submit an application for WEB is TOMORROW. If you are a current 7th grade student interested in becoming a WEB leader next year, you can find the online application on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information

All 8th graders bring a reading book and only a reading book to science.  Do not bring anything else, including a cell phone.

Attention WEB leaders, please wear your WEB t-shirts on Friday for the activity!!

The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school outside in front of the main entrance.  We have the same flavors and the cost is the same $2 for 8oz and $4 for 16oz.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions.

Students - If you have not received a permission slip for the end of the year field trips yet - see your 5th period teacher right away. These are due back next Friday, april 25th!


April 16,2014 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Featured Entrée
Penne with Meatballs
Alternate Choice
Chicken Nuggets
Side Selections

Featured Entrée
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Hot Dog
Side Selections
Baked Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Who likes Chick Filet?? Qdoba?? Turn your CODE cards in at lunch every day for a chance for you and a friend to each win a free lunch from one of these places on May 21!!"

 The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by April 23rd. 

7th graders, please Sign into your IC today if you have not already to see if you know your current password. If you have not reset your password you will not be able to register for your classes with the rest of the student body, so you may not get your top choices for electives next year.

If you are absent for registration, just make sure to turn your cards in ASAP and we will put your choices in for you.

Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

Any 8th grader interested in auditioning for Arapahoe High School choirs should see Ms. Andrews immediately.  Auditions will be here at Newton this Friday, April 18, after school in the choir room.

Attention to all 7th graders: The deadline to submit an application for WEB is this Friday, April 18. If you are a current 7th grade student interested in becoming a WEB leader next year, you can find the online application on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information

All 8th graders bring a reading book and only a reading book to science.  Do not bring anything else, including a cell phone.

Students – you will receive your end of the year activity permission slip today in 5th period. These are all due back to your 5th period teacher by next Friday the 25th (even if you are not attending you must bring a signed slip back).  If your teacher does not hand these out today – please remind them!


April 15, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Alternate Choice
Corn Dog
Side Selections
Green Beans

Featured Entrée
Penne with Meatballs
Alternate Choice
Chicken Nuggets
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Who likes Chick Filet?? Qdoba?? Turn your CODE cards in at lunch every day for a chance for you and a friend to each win a free lunch from one of these places on May 21!!"

The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by April 23rd. 

7th graders, please Sign into your IC today or tomorrow to see if you know your current password. If you have not reset your password you will not be able to register for your classes with the rest of the student body, so you may not get your top choices for electives next year.
Good Job 6th graders on signing into your IC! This will help ensure you're able to register on time.
If you are absent for registration, just make sure to turn your cards in ASAP and we will put your choices in for you.

Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

Any 8th grader interested in auditioning for Arapahoe High School choirs should see Ms. Andrews immediately.  Auditions will be here at Newton this Friday, April 18, after school in the choir room.

Attention to all 7th graders: The deadline to submit an application for WEB is this Friday, April 18. If you are a current 7th grade student interested in becoming a WEB leader next year, you can find the online application on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information

All 8th graders bring a reading book and only a reading book to science.  Do not bring anything else, including a cell phone.


April 14, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Side Selections
Celery & Dip

Featured Entrée
Chicken Burrito Bowl
Alternate Choice
Corn Dog
Side Selections
Green Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


"Who likes Chick Filet?? Qdoba?? Turn your CODE cards in at lunch every day for a chance for you and a friend to each win a free lunch from one of these places on May 21!!"

The library is looking for students interested in volunteering for the bookfair!  We need volunteers for set-up, take-down, running the fair and cookie baking for the after school fair.  Anyone interested in volunteering for the fair please pick up a application from the library or the front desk.  Applications are due by April 23rd. 

6th & 7th Grade Students- You are going to be using your Infinite Campus log-in for registration in the computer lab April 17th and 18th. PLEASE know how to log in to your IC. If you cannot access your IC, come to the office so we can reset your account, otherwise your registration requests might not be submitted on time.

Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

Any 8th grader interested in auditioning for Arapahoe High School choirs should see Ms. Andrews immediately.  Auditions will be here at Newton this Friday, April 18, after school in the choir room.
Attention to all 7th graders: The deadline to submit an application for WEB is this Friday, April 18. If you are a current 7th grade student interested in becoming a WEB leader next year, you can find the online application on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information


April 10, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Popcorn Chicken
Side Selections
Cinnamon Rolls
Green Beans
Sweet Potato Fries

Featured Entrée
Chicken Alfredo
Alternate Choice
Bean & Cheese Burrito
Side Selections

 Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


Attention to all 7th graders: Are you interesting in being a WEB leader next year?! NMS is currently looking for enthusiastic and positive 7th graders to fill the WEB leader positions we have available for next school year. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students this whole week, which can be found on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information!

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice tomorrow after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the fall, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whirl.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. Remember you have to drink them outside!

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch TODAY to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code card, so please bring them with you!

8th grade volleyball players, meet in the East lot at 2:55 for your game against Euclid today.



April 9,2014 - LATE START schedule


Featured Entrée
French Toast Sticks & Sausage
Alternate Choice
Side Selections

Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Popcorn Chicken
Side Selections
Cinnamon Rolls
Green Beans
Sweet Potato Fries

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions TODAY after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!

6th and 7th grade students planning on going on the Washington DC/New York City tour next year, there will be a fundraising opportunity beginning TODAY right after school in the band room. This will be a short meeting, so please arrange transportation home. Please see Mr. Fox for more information.

Attention to all 7th graders: Are you interesting in being a WEB leader next year?! NMS is currently looking for enthusiastic and positive 7th graders to fill the WEB leader positions we have available for next school year. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students this whole week, which can be found on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information!

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the fall, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. Remember you have to drink them outside!

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch TOMORROW to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code card, so please bring them with you!


April 8, 2014 - EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Celery Sticks & Dip

Featured Entrée
French Toast Sticks & Sausage
Alternate Choice
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions TOMORROW after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!

6th and 7th grade students planning on going on the Washington DC/New York City tour next year, there will be a fundraising opportunity beginning TOMORROW right after school in the band room. This will be a short meeting, so please arrange transportation home. Please see Mr. Fox for more information.

Attention to all 7th graders: Are you interesting in being a WEB leader next year?! NMS is currently looking for enthusiastic and positive 7th graders to fill the WEB leader positions we have available for next school year. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students this whole week, which can be found on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information!

NJHS will meet in the Mini Theater today after school at 3:00

Jamba Juice is back! The PE department will be selling Jamba Juice this Friday after school right outside the main entrance of the school.  There will be the same three flavors we had in the fall, Razmataz, Mango A Go Go and Strawberry Whril.  There are two sizes 8oz for $2 and 16oz for $4.  Come enjoy a treat and help support the PE department.  Please see Mr. Blake or Ms. Plegge if you have any questions. Remember you have to drink them outside!

The CODE cart is back!  Please bring your code cards to lunch this Thursday to trade them in for a treat!  There are all sorts of goodies to choose from, so bring your cards to lunch.  You will not be allowed to leave the cafeteria to get your code card, so please bring them with you!

Reminder – Tomorrow is a late start day!


April 7, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Alternate Choice
Chicken Fajita Wrap
Side Selections
Refried Beans

Featured Entrée
Orange Chicken Rice Bowl
Alternate Choice
Side Selections
Celery Sticks & Dip

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions on Wednesday, April 9th after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!

6th and 7th grade students planning on going on the Washington DC/New York City tour next year, there will be a fundraising opportunity beginning this Wednesday right after school in the band room. This will be a short meeting, so please arrange transportation home. Please see Mr. Fox for more information.

Attention to all 7th graders: Are you interesting in being a WEB leader next year?! NMS is currently looking for enthusiastic and positive 7th graders to fill the WEB leader positions we have available for next school year. We are accepting online applications from current NMS 7th grade students this whole week, which can be found on the NMS Website. See Mrs. Ebel or Mrs. Cox for more information!

NJHS will meet in the Mini Theater tomorrow after school at 3:00
Reminders :


  • Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc. are not to be ridden on school grounds
  • NO LATE BUS ON the 10th


April 4, 2014 EVEN Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Pepperoni Pizza Pocket
Alternate Choice
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions on Wednesday, April 9th after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!

Teachers – don’t forget to hand out the Field Trip flyers during homeroom today – Students – please take those home to your parents!

Reminders :


  • Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc. are not to be ridden on school grounds
  • NO LATE BUS ON the 10th


April 3, 2014 - ODD Day Schedule


Featured Entrée
Chicken Fried Steak
Alternate Choice
Sloppy Joe
Side Selections
Green Beans

Featured Entrée
Pepperoni Pizza Pocket
Alternate Choice
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Side Selections

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions on Wednesday, April 9th after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!
Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

8th grade girls volleyball players there is a game against Goddard today after school. Be dressed out and ready to go at 3pm in the gym.

Reminders :


  • Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc. are not to be ridden on school grounds
  • NO LATE BUS ON the 10th


April 2, 2014 - WEDNESDAY Schedule


Featured Entrée
Turkey Wrap
Alternate Choice
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl
Side Selections

Featured Entrée
Chicken Fried Steak
Alternate Choice
Sloppy Joe
Side Selections
Green Beans

Please check the bulletin board outside of the office or the rack in the office for Information on Sports & Activities in the district.


7th graders!  Time for Knight Notes auditions on Wednesday, April 9th after school.  Any 7th grade guy or girl may audition. This year's Knight Notes audition information is ready to download from Ms. Andrews website - go to the Knight Notes page.  See Ms. Andrews with questions!

Current 7th graders, are you interested in helping create memories for you and your schoolmates that will last a lifetime? Do you have great writing skills? Are you good at design? If so, you should apply to become a Blazon Staff Member for next year's yearbook. The electronic application is located on Mr. Cohen's main Newton web page.

Reminders :


  • Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, etc. are not to be ridden on school grounds

Wednesday 2-26-25

  Daily Announcements Wednesday, February 26, 2025        EVEN Day  Schedule Pledge of Allegiance “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Un...